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Call of Duty Ghosts


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Nope, loads different.

Maps are huuuuuge grey and brown, you get full character customisation, each game mode has field missions that when you pass you get a care package. different game modes, cranked, blitz, hunted.

Main issue is the maps and how fast you die, feels like everyone has snipers yet takes loads to kill, feels kinda different as well, not as smooth as MW2...if anything more like Homefront

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I'm not very good at it, I hold my hands up.

COD 4, MW2, Black Ops, MW3 and Black Ops 2 I held at least a 1.5kd with a 2 in both the MW.

This game tho, utter turd.

I am nowhere near that good, although im old with poor reflexes

I like it though; will be getting it for xbone if someone buys it me for xmas!

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was happy as Larry (who ever he is) when the missus bought be a copy home last week ,, awesome ,, put kids to bed early , gave missus some cash to go out shopping ,, opened a can of beer ,  turned game on ,,,,,,, its only in feking polish language ,, GRRRRRR and no it wasnt bought in Alfreton  :D

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It's the focus on online play in detriment to the single player experience that's put me off a number of games. I did once buy a COD 2nd hand, no idea which one, a few years ago and enjoyed the SP but never, ever managed to venture onto multiplayer. Same for Halo games I guess.


I always feel uncomfortable with the prospect of online gaming for some reason, I need to get over it. I've got a Live account, paid for but barely used. Getting a PS4 and now that isn't free I'll probably end up paying for that and never using it!

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