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Google chrome question

Mr Tibbs

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I'm after a computer genius,or someone more in the know than me.  Having a problem with Chrome at the moment. 

Everytime my laptop sleeps (times out) or I close the lid and then go to open it back up and continue using google chrome it doesn't let me. I get "Unable to access the network" and it won't refresh pages or load up new ones. 

This only happens when my laptop has gone into a sleep mode or something similar. I have to restart everytime to continue using it.


I've tried shutting down both the programs and processes in task manager but this has no effect. Still fails to work when I load it up. 

Even though Chrome fails to work Firefox and IE work perfectly. 

Running Windows 8 and the latest update of Chrome. 


Anybody out there know a fix or experienced something similar?



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Surely that is for Feedback and support of this forum though?


This is about the interweb! Entertainment aplenty. 



if thats the case , how come F*rest are in the 'Football Talk'  thread .. :lol:


ignore me , i'm in a silly mood..

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I'm after a computer genius,or someone more in the know than me.  Having a problem with Chrome at the moment. 

Everytime my laptop sleeps (times out) or I close the lid and then go to open it back up and continue using google chrome it doesn't let me. I get "Unable to access the network" and it won't refresh pages or load up new ones. 

This only happens when my laptop has gone into a sleep mode or something similar. I have to restart everytime to continue using it.


I've tried shutting down both the programs and processes in task manager but this has no effect. Still fails to work when I load it up. 

Even though Chrome fails to work Firefox and IE work perfectly. 

Running Windows 8 and the latest update of Chrome. 


Anybody out there know a fix or experienced something similar?

What anti virus software are you using? It could be that for whatever reason the Firewall is blocking access to the internet via Chrome when your laptop goes into sleep mode, may need to look at your firewall settings in Chrome. Not sure if this helps.

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Try uninstalling chrome, and then reinstalling it.

Is this doesn't help give your computer a full antivirus scan, May take a few hours depending on the speed of your laptop and how much of the hard drive is used up.

Also check that you aren't using 2 programs of antivirus software at once, you should only ever use one. I recommend Microsoft Essentials if you don't have one.

If all this fails, I'm out of ideas but I hope this helps you mate

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I'm after a computer genius,or someone more in the know than me.  Having a problem with Chrome at the moment. 

Everytime my laptop sleeps (times out) or I close the lid and then go to open it back up and continue using google chrome it doesn't let me. I get "Unable to access the network" and it won't refresh pages or load up new ones. 

This only happens when my laptop has gone into a sleep mode or something similar. I have to restart everytime to continue using it.


I've tried shutting down both the programs and processes in task manager but this has no effect. Still fails to work when I load it up. 

Even though Chrome fails to work Firefox and IE work perfectly. 

Running Windows 8 and the latest update of Chrome. 


Anybody out there know a fix or experienced something similar?

Happened on mine a week or so ago but seems to have cleared up now. 

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