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I've been asked to write for HITC.


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I thought I'd let people know on here, as I would like views of my articles  :lol: but I have been asked to write for HITC which is a pretty large news database (like BBC, but better  :ph34r: ) and will be doing a lot of stories for championship football, perhaps covering the wider range.


I just thought i'd mention it on here, and people who don't mind my rambling could be aware that I'm going global. I will add the 'example' article that I had to write too, with absolutely no relevance other than speaking about current day football (this won't be published) but I will be writing next week about the young english talent in the championship, focused on (hughes, byram, moore, ince and ings) and seperate argument about the development between, premier league youngsters and championship experienced players going on to wider achievements - and why championship clubs demand so much for their young talents. I'm guessing mid-next week there will be 1 or 2 up - will post the link here.


Hope some of you will read in the future, and here is the little article I wrote which some of you may like.




The Premier League – The be all and end all of football.

I think being a fan of the championship, and watching endless amounts of championship football gets me wondering why so many supporters sole interest is to reach the premier league. Now, I understand the urge to be successful and to outdo your peers, in what is a constant fight for bragging rights but with the attendances dropping in the championship gradually, and more attention being paid to the top flight year on year it makes you wonder whether if the top flight is the be all and end all of football.

I have experienced the top flight and all its richest at its most dangerous, travelling the country to watch 36 out of the 38 league games during the infamous 11 points season with Derby was hard to take – whilst the support, and the big crowds were nice, when we were relegated I was looking forward to playing in the championship again, where the stadiums aren’t polished down to every square inch and the players seem more human, watching real people work hard for a good living and making mistakes, it is much more enjoyable than watching superstars/wannabe superstars acting like a bad extra in Hollyoakes.

After the Paul Jewell fiasco we turned to the son of our most famous, and arguably our most successful manager in Nigel Clough. He instantaneously lifted the spirit of the club, and installed an incredible togetherness and work-ethic into the players he brought in Jake Buxton from Burton Albion and he wasn’t the best footballer in the world, and he was prone to mistakes and had an incredibly bad turning circle but no one could fault him for his untouchable competitiveness, heart on his sleeve workmanship. He has worked incredibly hard over 3 years working on every aspect of his game, and can today be considered a good championship centre back and he still has that incredible heart and competitiveness to be first to everything . He made himself a cult hero with the Derby fans for last minute goals against both our biggest rivals, in Forest and Leeds and that is what football is all about for me. It’s not watching 10 million pound plus mercenaries who would throw a club/manager for an extra bit of money a week but seeing quite clearly ‘real’ human beings put everything on the line every Saturday in order to give themselves a chance of a good career – real club men are hard to find at any level, but acting like a ‘club man’ can go a long way and does, but this is appreciated more within the lower leagues.

So, in answer to the headline, the premier league is not the be all and end all of football, it is simply another division with a completely different mindset to the traditional working class fan and has created a more soulless modern day fan who cares very little about traditions in football, and appreciates big names over the hard-working. The championship for me is the last in the line of ‘real traditional football’ once you step into the premier league, you become a franchise and if you don’t embrace being a franchise, then you have little chance of long-term success in the top flight.


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Good article Ambitious, and I agree with the sentiments of first two paragraphs. The last though I'm not so sure. As well a hating the term "working-class fan" (why does someone have to be 'working-class' to appreciate that many of the changes in football aren't necessarily for the better?)


And I'm not sure Swansea and the like, who are working hard to establish themselves in the Premier League, would consider themselves full of the "soulless modern day fan who cares very little about tradition". Quite the opposite in fact.


Undoubtedly many Derby supporters' views of the PL are tarnished by what happened - if we got up, stayed up and became a regular top 10 team in the PL would your views change?

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Good article Ambitious, and I agree with the sentiments of first two paragraphs. The last though I'm not so sure. As well a hating the term "working-class fan" (why does someone have to be 'working-class' to appreciate that many of the changes in football aren't necessarily for the better?)


And I'm not sure Swansea and the like, who are working hard to establish themselves in the Premier League, would consider themselves full of the "soulless modern day fan who cares very little about tradition". Quite the opposite in fact.


Undoubtedly many Derby supporters' views of the PL are tarnished by what happened - if we got up, stayed up and became a regular top 10 team in the PL would your views change?


The bits about the modern day fan is more to do with people who just focus on the bigger teams, not your swanseas...etc 


the big teams seem to be generating support at an alarming rate - swansea, hull...etc they're small fry in the grand scheme of things and can still hold dear that they don't have many bandwagon fans, and can watch their success in the top flight.


But when you step into the premier league, you HAVE to lose certain traditions and ideology for me. The premier league is a money game, as I said in the first - I understand the hunger to be successful and obtain bragging rights, but it just seems the premier league is more about bringing the worst out in people, fans would throw players under the bus for a better more popular figure and players would throw clubs under the bus for more money, and a higher prestige. 


When money is talked about as much as the football, then there is something categorically wrong IMO


but I understand your view point, because that's the otherside of it - a ilkeston town/eastwood town fan could say the same about us, I would imagine. That's why I put the championship (for me) is last in line for 'real football' and even now, could be argued that the championship is also a money game.

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The bits about the modern day fan is more to do with people who just focus on the bigger teams, not your swanseas...etc 


the big teams seem to be generating support at an alarming rate - swansea, hull...etc they're small fry in the grand scheme of things and can still hold dear that they don't have many bandwagon fans, and can watch their success in the top flight.


But when you step into the premier league, you HAVE to lose certain traditions and ideology for me. The premier league is a money game, as I said in the first - I understand the hunger to be successful and obtain bragging rights, but it just seems the premier league is more about bringing the worst out in people, fans would throw players under the bus for a better more popular figure and players would throw clubs under the bus for more money, and a higher prestige. 


When money is talked about as much as the football, then there is something categorically wrong IMO


but I understand your view point, because that's the otherside of it - a ilkeston town/eastwood town fan could say the same about us, I would imagine. That's why I put the championship (for me) is last in line for 'real football' and even now, could be argued that the championship is also a money game.


I'd certainly agree with your point about the Championship and yes, the bigger clubs will always attract more fairweather fans, esp if those 'fans' don't need to leave the comfort of their armchair to watch their teams.


I really like the Championship, and I like the fact that I have to go and watch my team live if I want to see them, barring the odd game on Sky.


I often think what would be the point of getting to the Premiership, but then I also think what would be the point of not trying?

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Good article which reflects my thoughts exactly.

All I would add is that the sacrifice of all old traditions has led to an immeasurable increase in quality.

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Just to let everyone know, I dropped 3 articles yesterday and got an 'unprecedented' 11,000 views on my first day.


Now, I'm going to be paid for my articles.


I would like to thank all the mega-pissed off Forest fans who didn't like me stating that Lascelles probably isn't worth the 5 million bid arsenal put in for him and/or he should be getting a chance at first team football (I think everyone was in agreement bar Forest fans) but, yeah still.


Largely because of that article, I am now an official professional championship correspondent. 


:D  :lol:


also, two of my articles were in the top 3 'top stories' on newsnow in the championship.



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Just to let everyone know, I dropped 3 articles yesterday and got an 'unprecedented' 11,000 views on my first day.


Now, I'm going to be paid for my articles.


I would like to thank all the mega-pissed off Forest fans who didn't like me stating that Lascelles probably isn't worth the 5 million bid arsenal put in for him and/or he should be getting a chance at first team football (I think everyone was in agreement bar Forest fans) but, yeah still.


Largely because of that article, I am now an official professional championship correspondent. 


:D  :lol:


also, two of my articles were in the top 3 'top stories' on newsnow in the championship.




It's nice to see one of our own doing so well, remember who gave you your first break though...


Mods - did we put any add-ons to the contract? Surely we should be looking to get something back for all the hard work we've put into the DCFCfans academy...

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I enjoyed the content of your articles but without being too grammar nazi I found some of the writing somewhat clumsy. In particular I think the middle paragraphs of the Clough/Sheffield United article could really do with breaking up into more than one sentence.


If you ever want a hand with editing feel free to drop me a PM, aside from that keep up the good work!

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Nice stuff Ambitious.


Did you post on here a few weeks back looking for some work as you were skint, or have I made that up?? If so looks like you've fallen on your feet here mate. I'd class you as a very rich man's Kenny Burns.


p.s you don't look like Brad Jones.

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