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Mid Summers Day


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Mid Summers Day just started here which for us Finns means we are getting wasted. So you want to invade Finland this is the day, no one will stand their own feet at the end of the day. Erm, wheres's my beer ? :rolleyes:

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How long do the nights last at the moment in Finland? Or aren't you that far north?

In Helsinki the sun set 22,50 and rises 03,54. In north it sets 00,25 and rises 02,21. We are without light one hour and 52 minutes and in north there is dark 58 minutes.

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In Helsinki the sun set 22,50 and rises 03,54. In north it sets 00,25 and rises 02,21. We are without light one hour and 52 minutes and in north there is dark 58 minutes.

wow, I bet your tomato plants are well happy?
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