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Jimmy Tarbuck arrested.


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I admire the bravery of those coming forward and agree that anyone who commits a sexual offence should be punished. I think there's a clear distinction between sex with 'groupies' which happened a lot and may not have occurred in the most gentlemanly circumstances and actual assault against the will of a victim. It's quite hard to attach today's law to 70s morality. Back then a DJ was a god, even at a village hall and a lot of young girls would throw themselves at them. Also, groping, although just as disgusting then as now, was laughed at. 

I just wonder what comes next - could someone press a racism charge based on insults commonly directed at black and Asian workers in the 70s? Just as valid an offence but again part of the climate of the time - a tricky one.

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True - but I doubt whether a young girl accusing a 'star' of rape or sexual assault back then would have won her case. She would most likely be told not to be so silly and that she was asking for it by agreeing to meet him. I bet there are a lot of nervous middle-aged men out in showbizland right now.

I am left feeling a bit sick at it all. I have always admired Stuart Hall and looked forward to hearing his commentary. I pride myself as being a good judge of character but I never saw this coming. 

As a grandfather of two young girls I am repulsed by his offences. Yet I can still acknowledge that some default in his DNA or his past drove him to do what he did. As a trainee counsellor I have to try to understand his perspective and to listen to stories like his without being judgmental. The human mind is a complex area and whilst I fear it is too late for his redemption, I hope his humiliation might in some way stop other from acting on their impulses.

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I remember when Stuart Hall was collared for shoplifting a number of years ago, I knew he was a wrong un then after that, seems I was proved right

yep, shop lifting and kid fid go hand in hand.
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I remember when Stuart Hall was collared for shoplifting a number of years ago, I knew he was a wrong un then after that, seems I was proved right


yep, shop lifting and kid fid go hand in hand.

Worrall Thompson and Richard Madeley next then.

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