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A question for pun infested mods and admins


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I don't want a place to say naughty shitty things. I want a place where I can say what I think of Thatcher, guns, death penalty and other controversial subjects without fear of offending people. That's why I suggested a thread where everybody knows that it is not for faint hearted, civilized lot.

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I like this forum because everyone knows pretty much where they stand, and most people know where the line is.

I know what you mean about having a place to say naughty, shitty things but I reckon it'd bring the place down a bit... I've had a quick look on other fans forums where they've got a 'do not enter if offended section' but they just seem really pointless and a bit pikie.

I've said a few things on here that have been deleted and I felt a bit bad after so I try to think about what I say now.

Please can someone get the fittest women appreciation thread going again? That's still open, business as usual :lol:

I agree. I have had somethings deleted too sometimes i wish they hadn't other times i'm glad they have. I do try to think about what i write on here because in reallity i'm far from p.c. but because there are rules i try to stick by them if only out of respect for the people who have to make sure we do not offend anyone. I do have relapses though usually on a saturday night after we've lost. i think it would lower the tone and lead to other things.
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I don't want a place to say naughty shitty things. I want a place where I can say what I think of Thatcher, guns, death penalty and other controversial subjects without fear of offending people. That's why I suggested a thread where everybody knows that it is not for faint hearted, civilized lot.

I know what you are saying. a lot of stuff has to be so p.c. but where do you draw the line? name calling? would racism be allowed? just think it could open a can of worms.
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I don't want a place to say naughty shitty things. I want a place where I can say what I think of Thatcher, guns, death penalty and other controversial subjects without fear of offending people. That's why I suggested a thread where everybody knows that it is not for faint hearted, civilized lot.

There are plenty of places to do that on the internet other than a family football forum.


There's plenty of people who come on here just to talk about football, perhaps get to know a few on here in an off-topic section. Why should there be a part of the forum they should have to avoid? People do get offended.


One of the reasons I prefer this forum to the old DET is that it's civilised. And that creates a pleasant atmosphere.

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oh dear how boring.

All I can say to that is you don't have to sit next to Dav while he's driving.


Boring? Oh how I wish it was...

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Why, is he like jeremy clarkson behind the wheel or james may?

Neither. He thinks he's Alonso.


I spend half of our journeys with my eyes shut.

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I don't want a place to say naughty shitty things. I want a place where I can say what I think of Thatcher, guns, death penalty and other controversial subjects without fear of offending people. That's why I suggested a thread where everybody knows that it is not for faint hearted, civilized lot.


Sorry mate I didn't mean it like that, I know exactly what you mean, just more the sort of things that some people (me included) sometimes like to talk about, like the ones you listed?


The thing is, apart from putting up an article about some disgusting crime or dodgy goings on and people saying things like - hang the c*nt or i'm glad she's dead, I don't know how far it could or you would want it to go? Both of them posts would be allowed wouldn't they? I think we've had discussions on pretty much everything on here before... guns, governments, rape, homosexuals, countries, immigrants, sammon, benefits, schools, life, hospitals and the police etc. and things haven't got too out of hand unless i just miss it all?

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You're all dirty filthy pigdog Sweinhunts who want to be naughty, well, you can't, so there!

And as for Sissy, we like a stiff upper lip.

Stiff upper lip ? STIFF UPPER LIP ? That's the reason why people get so agitated by others here that they have stiff upper lip ?

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Blasphemy! Never had a problem with ours. Booooooooo


to be fair , most cars , nowadays , don't 'drop to pieces', in the first year..

the Fiat i had in the seventies (great engine , but crap bodywork) i poured concrete in the cills

to get it through MOT..argghhhh..


Alfa's were as  bad, in the seventies..

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