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Possible minutes silence v Blackburn for Margaret Thatcher


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If true, this will be a test of young Nigels "diplomatic" skills.


There is no way on gods green earth we'd have a minutes silence if it were a home game. Not a chance in hell.


I cannot see our players wearing a black armband, it would go against everything Clough and his family have stood for for decades.


I hope no-one even asks him his views on the subject and the weekend passes without football fans being held up as disgraceful for NOT observing a silence that is doomed to failure.

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I don't think a football match is the place to remember the former prime minister. I don't think it will get the respect from the fans. Football a politics don't mix.

Why ever not? Do you just mean this particular ex-Prime Minister or all ex-Prime Ministers. I can remember standing in silence for Winston Churchill when he died. I hope that the 'loud mouths' don't spoil it just because they are left of her politics.

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Why ever not? Do you just mean this particular ex-Prime Minister or all ex-Prime Ministers. I can remember standing in silence for Winston Churchill when he died. I hope that the 'loud mouths' don't spoil it just because they are left of her politics.


Churchill was  avery different PM and a minutes silence was carried out for very different reasons.


What about Heath, Wilson, Callaghan, MacMillan, Douglas-Home, Eden, Atlee? It has to be one rule for all of them.


She achieved something incredible in becoming the first female but she damaged huge parts of our country.


I for one wouldn't keep quiet because I don't think that she deserves a minutes silence and I would be remembering the 96 people who lost their lives and were then blamed for the Hillsborough tragedy because of a cover up that she played a huge part in.


But it would be a HUGELY irresponsible act if they attempted to hold one. Why? Because its incitement, you're leaving yourself open to abuse. People wouldn't observe it and it would have the potential to turn unsavoury. What is the point in that?


Avoid that abuse and let the people who want to respect her now that she's gone do it in their own way and do not attempt to force people who don't feel the same to observe a minutes silence.

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A lot has already been said about this in the Thatcher thread but in terms of football she despised football and it's fans, so a minutes silence is never going to work. 

​It will be interesting to see how Nige reacts if this goes ahead.

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Of all the teams not to have a minutes silence against, it would be Derby. The anti-Thatcher feelings there after what she did to the miners are very high.


It's a bit of a lose-lose situation for any Rams fans who are present. If they heckle, they'll be frowned upon by the press. If they don't, then many will be going against their true feelings.


A minutes applause would be more appropriate as not clapping at all wouldn't be met with the same displeasure.


Personally I couldn't stand the woman and hope she rots in hell.

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No chance bcn. It won't happen and it's just asking for trouble.

I wouldn't stay quiet, if I did it would make me a hipocrit and bloody disloyal to my family. No way.

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Stupid idea, all it will do is encourage the uncouth element from both sets of supporters. Thatcher hated football supporters anyway, they personified everything that she thought was wrong with the British culture in the 80's - hooliganism, drunkenness, dragging the countries name through the mud.

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No chance bcn. It won't happen and it's just asking for trouble.

I wouldn't stay quiet, if I did it would make me a hipocrit and bloody disloyal to my family. No way.

I think I agree with you in that it would be asking for trouble. Personally I had nothing against her politics but that's another story.

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Stupid idea, all it will do is encourage the uncouth element from both sets of supporters. Thatcher hated football supporters anyway, they personified everything that she thought was wrong with the British culture in the 80's - hooliganism, drunkenness, dragging the countries name through the mud.

She wasn't really wrong was she. It was good to rid ourselves of that nonsense at football matches.

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Whilst everybody has a right to voice their opinion, I would hope that if it was to take place they just didn't go to their seat until after the silence.

But I suppose if it makes people feel better even though she is no longer with us, then each to their own.

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She wasn't really wrong was she. It was good to rid ourselves of that nonsense at football matches.


Totally agreed, there was no way I would have ever contemplated taking my family to a football match in the 1980's. Thatcher did have some strange ideas mind like the Football Membership Scheme which thank goodness never saw the light of day.

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