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Xbox players better in bed than Playstation and Wii rivals, study finds


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A study by a money saving website has revealed that Xbox 360 owners are the best in the bedroom.

Xbox players came out on top of the gaming pile when it comes to sexual prowess, beating those who use Playstation and Wii consoles.

The study, by VoucherCodesPro, polled 1,747 partners of gamers in the UK, as part of research into the effect playing games has on relationships.

After establishing which console was used by the respondents’ partners to play videogames, the study asked, ‘How would you rate your partner in the bedroom?’

The results saw just 11 per cent respond ‘excellent’, while most - 27 per cent said their partner was ‘good’, 26 per cent said their partner was ‘average’ and a disappointing 20 per cent branded their partner’s bedroom skills as ‘below average’.

When the results were broken down, it emerged that Xbox players had been rated the highest by their partners, with 54 per cent of Xbox gamers being described as ‘good’ or above and 22 per cent being regarded as ‘excellent’.

Wii players also fared relatively well, with 47 per cent of them being described as ‘good’ or above.

In contrast, PC gamers performed badly in the bedroom study, as only three per cent were described as being ‘excellent’ and eight per cent as very good.

As part of the study, respondents were also questioned about the frequency of gaming compared to bedroom activity and their opinion on the ratio.

Of the respondents, 21 per cent wanted ‘more sex, less gaming’ from their partner, whereas an intriguing 11 per cent wanted ‘less sex, more gaming’.


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You know why this all is dont you? The PC is all World Of Warcraft and Sims and Lair and Dungeons and Dragons. These guys ain't got time for women.

The Xbox though.. Beating Forest on FIFA. Driving a Ferrari on Forza. Then slaying biatches. That's how we roll. We don't play games. We got game. Keepin it real 24/7 cus we are play-arrrs.

I've had sex three times since new year. Twice with another person. #pimp

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Reading? Just one question.......why??

I was 16, was promised booze and music and no parents. Thought it was a good idea at the time. And it was, right up until I came home from Reading. I had no xbox and I couldn't afford to go again the year after. You live and learn don't you.

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Reading Festival ? Why would anyone go to Reading Festival when you have the Derby Feste right there ?  :wacko:

Derby isn't local to me, and I didn't even know of this "Derby Feste". Can't say the line-up looks inspirational...

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