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Mick and Mairead Philpott convicted of manslaughter over Derby house fire


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Very interesting debate now on Bloomers' breakfast show on RD. A woman rang in who's in the past been a victim of domestic abuse and doesn't think Maraid should have gone to prison. She went on to say an injustice had been done against her by the courts.

Do you think she has a point?


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Some people can make weaker people do a lot of things when they get the control of them. Sounds crazy but you take other peoples will away if you are sick enough. Not going to defend anyone on this thing though. Fry them all I say.

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Well the recordings in the hotel about their threesomes were strange LR, dunno whether you've heard it or not?


Something like


Mick - "I'm so proud of you" 

Maraid - "why?'

Mick - "because you didn't want to do it"

Maraid - "I know"

Mick - "but because you did, I'm so proud"

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Very interesting debate now on Bloomers' breakfast show on RD. A woman rang in who's in the past been a victim of domestic abuse and doesn't think Maraid should have gone to prison. She went on to say an injustice had been done against her by the courts.

Do you think she has a point?



LR - I've no idea because I've not been a victim of domestic abuse. BUT -


Surely the one thing that should override anything is your children. No matter what abuse you're getting, if a woman's partner is thinking of torching a house with her children in it, you're only a phone call away from the Police to get it sorted out. Rehoused, new identity, and I'd imagine you'd get custody of your children.


A lot of the things I've read indicate she didn't have any emotion towards the children. Asked what it was like to hold one of them for the first time she said something like 'just like any other Mum'. No attachment at all.


For me she deserves everything she gets because it was so preventable, but it might be a lack of education (or experience of this type of thing) on my part.

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Mick obviously didn't like his 'bitches' walking out on him as they found to their cost. Perhaps that was in the back of Mairead's mind. Not so easy to walk away from a bloke like that, I'd imagine.


Besides, she doesn't look the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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As the judge said, she was able to say no to him when he asked her for a divorce - she stuck up for herself then. When it came to her own children, she couldn't find the courage to stick up for them.  THEN, stuck by Mick when he still tried to get his other five back, even when she'd lost 6 of her own.  Beggars belief.


Don't get me wrong, domestic abuse isn't something to be ignored and people need all the help and support they can and there is help out there, even her family were trying to get her away, they were there to support her should she leave - she didn't.



Every action, causes a reaction - she has to take responsibility for her own actions, the same as any other member of society. 

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I think her lesser sentence reflects the judges opinion that she was 'under the thumb' but that doesn't absolve her from punishment.

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LR - I've no idea because I've not been a victim of domestic abuse. BUT -

Surely the one thing that should override anything is your children. No matter what abuse you're getting, if a woman's partner is thinking of torching a house with her children in it, you're only a phone call away from the Police to get it sorted out. Rehoused, new identity, and I'd imagine you'd get custody of your children.

A lot of the things I've read indicate she didn't have any emotion towards the children. Asked what it was like to hold one of them for the first time she said something like 'just like any other Mum'. No attachment at all.

For me she deserves everything she gets because it was so preventable, but it might be a lack of education (or experience of this type of thing) on my part.

Absolutely agree.

Don't misunderstand me folks. I hope the murdering cow never gets out of prison.

I also think she liked her lifestyle too much and wasn't bothered herr kids had died. All she did was pull a false face and wipe dry eyes at the press conference.

She asks for all she gets. Any parent who is capable of doing that deserves to hang because she did nothing to stop him did she?

I feel bad for real, genuine victims of domestic abuse who are far more deserving of help.

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Very interesting debate now on Bloomers' breakfast show on RD. A woman rang in who's in the past been a victim of domestic abuse and doesn't think Maraid should have gone to prison. She went on to say an injustice had been done against her by the courts.

Do you think she has a point?


No i dont she had every chance to turn away from his power when in custody,they was seperate and surely her lawyer must of said turn evidence etc?,i just hope the rumour of a hit by the travelling community has some credence cos some fecker will get him. 

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Had a tweet from This Is Derbyshire this morning that Philpotts on 24 hour suicide watch.

Right. Just put him in an empty room therefor removing all objects he could use to kill himself. Make sure he lives with what he's done. Murdering scum. Let him suffer.

To some I may sound harsh and heartless by putting voice to my thoughts - but there's no way I'd ever feel guilty for doing it.

Deaths a serious business, I know that, but it's too good and too easy for Philpot that's for sure.

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Had a tweet from This Is Derbyshire this morning that Philpotts on 24 hour suicide watch.

Right. Just put him in an empty room therefor removing all objects he could use to kill himself. Make sure he lives with what he's done. Murdering scum. Let him suffer.

To some I may sound harsh and heartless by putting voice to my thoughts - but there's no way I'd ever feel guilty for doing it.

Deaths a serious business, I know that, but it's too good and too easy for Philpot that's for sure.

It wouldn't supprise me if it wasn't all part of his act to try and gain some pitty. Ignor the tw@t thats the best way to deal with him. When he realises he is just a number in prison he may start to reflect on his actions.
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