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What kind of doctors do you have ?


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Our Health service has now gone down the route of Switzerland with Dignitas type assisted suicide establishments.

There's one near me called Stafford Hospital............

By suicide you would think that it would be at the patients request. At Stafford Hospital I don't think the patients had a say in their premature demise 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

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Every time i go to the docs they tell me that i can't see my doctor - he's probably dead - but i can see some other numpty.

Last time i went, the doc was a young fat bird straight out of college who asked me if i suffered from hay fever.

I said, no....i've had allergy testing and i can categorically state that i don't suffer from hay fever.

She gave me a prescription in the time honoured fashion to signal that yer time is up.

What was it?

Yes ......a £7 remedy for hay fever.

One of the doctors i saw before that had me spellbound.

Her arrrse was so big that i reckon it needed planning permission.

It was like one of those big wide loads that close two lanes of the motorway and needs a police escort.

I couldn't help thinking about it for years afterwards.

I half expected Norris McWhirter to appear with a copy of the Guinness book of records.

Then of course there was the time my father was in hospital for an ulcer.

A young doctor took me mother aside and confided to her that he had bad news, apparently me Dad had total kidney failure.

Next day she asked another doctor about it and he said ' who told you that? his kidneys are fine....mind you he has got cancer'.

Cancer? he was told he had a cyst?

Easy mistake to make i suppose. Kidneys, cancer, cyst, hay fever, big fat aarrse, .....whatever.

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Im off to the quacks today anyway i rang up and the bint on the phone says who is your doctor? i replied i dont know cos ive not been here for 10 years she said ok come down at 11:50

Probably get some witch doctor or someone whos watched a few episodes of Diagnosis Murder or Quincey

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Im off to the quacks today anyway i rang up and the bint on the phone says who is your doctor? i replied i dont know cos ive not been here for 10 years she said ok come down at 11:50

Probably get some witch doctor or someone whos watched a few episodes of Diagnosis Murder or Quincey

Careful who you're calling a bint.
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Does anyone else refuse to tell the receptionist anything when she shouts "I can't give you an appointment unless you tell me what it is" I know they have to prioritise but i think she's just a nosey cow.

They have no right to do that at the STD Clinic...... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />

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Does anyone else refuse to tell the receptionist anything when she shouts "I can't give you an appointment unless you tell me what it is" I know they have to prioritise but i think she's just a nosey cow.

Just tell her you have begun to hear voices and have an irrational desire to kill women......

It might work.

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Bloody hell RamNut haven't you seen the verbal abuse of NHS staff posters? They'll put me away mate, I only wanted my dissolvable stitches out because they didn't do what they're supposed to do...

Its not abusive.....works for me anyway.

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My wife's got a non doctor.

I wonder whether that's where Kraftwerk got their inspiration for the naming of the wonderful 'Man-Machine' album

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