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Red dog game-fingers crossed this time!


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the airport here was closed last night and this morning, loads of delayed flights........!!


Can't believe they're keeping the game on just for you lot!!


RAMS bosses have vowed that snow will not stop tomorrow's anticipated clash with Forest from going ahead – much to the delight of 42 fans from Switzerland.[/size][size=3]

The unlucky Rams fans missed an East Midlands derby last February because of snow but are "excited and pleased" the club has vowed to keep the match on as planned.[/size]


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Like I've kept telling you Mike, No need to worry, Ref's gonna sort it mate!

On Saturday, playing the Gumps

The snow had been falling in lumps

Nige said,left to him,

We'd play in the gym

With everyone wearing their pumps!

The ref checked the pitch sharp at nine

And felt that conditions were fine

"If we just crack the Ice

And remove a big slice

I'm sure I can see the white line!"

At noon Pride park had the big freeze,

Snow covered the referee's knees,

He said, with a cough,

Well we can't call it off,

They'll just have to play wearing skis!"

We must let both teams have their chance

Who knows? they might do an ice dance,

Because look..Here comes

Muespach Ram and his chums

41 on a coach trip from France!!!!!

OK, so there's 42 and you're from Switzerland, but that takes a bit more rhyming!

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It's probably better to have the snow in the daytime - when people are about. It's worse when it comes overnight and the roads get bad, that's when people panic.

It's snowing here, but not heavy and with cars on the road, it's not settling.

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