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Dead laptop


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You don't need a battery for your laptop to work.. It works straight through the cable (charger)

My advice for the future is never leave your computer running with both the battery and charger installed as your computer will overheat.. As soon as your battery is dead it causes problems getting a new one, but it's easily avoidable.. Either use your laptop with a bettery but without the charger or vice versa..

I recently had to buy a new laptop for this very reason.. My battery died, my computer froze and my charger wouldn't work on it's own from a lifeless laptop..

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You don't need a battery for your laptop to work.. It works straight through the cable (charger)

My advice for the future is never leave your computer running with both the battery and charger installed as your computer will overheat.. As soon as your battery is dead it causes problems getting a new one, but it's easily avoidable.. Either use your laptop with a bettery but without the charger or vice versa..

I recently had to buy a new laptop for this very reason.. My battery died, my computer froze and my charger wouldn't work on it's own from a lifeless laptop..

This isn't a mexican Laptop, this is a good old fashion English one from the far east.

Bris knows all about dry joints, tell him bris, its the joint!

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This isn't a mexican Laptop, this is a good old fashion English one from the far east.

Bris knows all about dry joints, tell him bris, its the joint!

My laptop that overheated was a Samsung, bought in Canada

What I have now is an Acer.. From Tawain.. Works perfectly and was bought super cheap ($280 US)

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I had a Acer, PC world couldn't repair it within the 7 day guaranteed turn around. So they gave me a new laptop to the value of 400 english pounds.

The old Acer was a replacement because they didn't repair the other one quick enough. God Bless the Yanks.

Anyway, where was we?

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My new one is a Samsung and my knackers do feel massive (normal) and warm.

I had a Samsung R519, in fact I've still got it but anyway that thing used to singe my pubes it got that hot. Thought the fan was screwed, it wasn't just a laptop that thinks its a heater

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any way Ramnut is it sorted yet.......better than telly this....... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

No the fkin thing.....

Charger has been tested and is ok.

I've tried the good cop, bad cop routine

Tried shouting and growling

Tried forcing my thumb into its orifice to see if that gets a reaction

Tried undoing all the screws and pulling it apart

Tried staring it out

Tried threatening it with a shoe

Looks like i might have to take it to someone who knows something about these things.....

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You don't need a battery for your laptop to work.. It works straight through the cable (charger)

My advice for the future is never leave your computer running with both the battery and charger installed as your computer will overheat.. As soon as your battery is dead it causes problems getting a new one, but it's easily avoidable.. Either use your laptop with a bettery but without the charger or vice versa..

I recently had to buy a new laptop for this very reason.. My battery died, my computer froze and my charger wouldn't work on it's own from a lifeless laptop..

I killed the battery in my Toshiba laptop - but then £30 later a new battery and hey presto perfect. If you know your laptops serial number - or the battery number is still visible - a quick google search finds most quite easily. Whether you can get them shipped to far flung corners of the world now that I wouldn't know

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i must be on a massive ignore list?

No....but i'm no good with soldering irons.

I bought one ...like everyone does....as its a manly tool for a manly tool box and for a while i felt better about myself for having one.

But then i tried using it, and all i managed to do was to burn me leg and me thumb.

Since then i try to avoid it.

Knowing that i'm no good with a soldering iron has left me feeling slightly inadequate.

Its not something i like to admit

I have an irrational fear that use of the soldering iron might one day come up in casual conversation with other blokes.

i imagine everyone else confidently talking about the use of flux and expert soldering techniques.

I fear being outed and everyone mocking my inadequacy.

And now look......you've gone and mentioned it.

I'm sure there must be other blokes like me that just can't handle it.

I can't do plumbing either. Or chisels.

Or computers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

happy days are here again.....

took the dead laptop to a chap in chesterfield who advertised on ebay as Egytec

a specialist in sony and hp

took him just 24 hours

a new power chip and a new keyboard fitted

£150. 100% working. absolutely brilliant

3 month warranty

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happy days are here again.....

took the dead laptop to a chap in chesterfield who advertised on ebay as Egytec

a specialist in sony and hp

took him just 24 hours

a new power chip and a new keyboard fitted

£150. 100% working. absolutely brilliant

3 month warranty

he means power board, and I mean "I told you so" 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

get in.

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