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Should Our Police Be Armed?


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Although I dont want our police in UK to be a fully armed force I dont adhere to the notion or argument put forward that more guns for the police means more guns for the crminals just like USA!! Not everywhere is just like USA.

In Sweden our police force is armed fully and yet gun crime remains very low. Certainly one of the lowest ratios to capita in Europe.

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The police are bad enough escorting away fans from the City ground as it is. I've seen police dogs jump on backs and bite necks because someone had strayed onto the road as the pavements weren't wide enough.

If they had guns, well, you know.

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Just out of interest, to the people saying 'no' what is your reason behind not wanting armed police?

If you are a law abiding citizen you should have no reason to worry about the police being armed (except in very exceptional circumstances)

How would the police being armed help anything?

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Just out of interest, to the people saying 'no' what is your reason behind not wanting armed police?

If you are a law abiding citizen you should have no reason to worry about the police being armed (except in very exceptional circumstances)

The same reason why 80% of serving police officers don't want it. To save lives.

The government could, if it had the political will, make like so difficult for the criminal gangs to operate that the risk of gun crime would decrease to next to nowt.

Who sold Cregan the grenade? Who supplied it in the first place?

There is a lot more we could do to eliminate gun crime before resorting to arming all police.

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The same reason why 80% of serving police officers don't want it. To save lives.

The government could, if it had the political will, make like so difficult for the criminal gangs to operate that the risk of gun crime would decrease to next to nowt.

Who sold Cregan the grenade? Who supplied it in the first place?

There is a lot more we could do to eliminate gun crime before resorting to arming all police.

I don't understand how police not being armed is going to save lives?

Hasn't police not being armed just cost 2 innocent lives?

Not that I am an expert in such fields but I believe getting weapons on the continent is as easy as buying a newspaper.

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The police are bad enough escorting away fans from the City ground as it is. I've seen police dogs jump on backs and bite necks because someone had strayed onto the road as the pavements weren't wide enough.

If they had guns, well, you know.


frightening.. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

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In my opinion it would make criminals less likely to commit crimes if they know they could end up being shot.

If there was a chance of being shot for speeding or riding your bike on a footpath then yes, it may be a deterrent. The facts are that major criminals and organised crime would be far more likely to use guns themselves if the police were armed.

Whoever sold that grenade to Cregan should get 20 years. Zero tolerance on carrying, selling or supplying guns would save more lives than arming the police i reckon.

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Although I dont want our police in UK to be a fully armed force I dont adhere to the notion or argument put forward that more guns for the police means more guns for the crminals just like USA!! Not everywhere is just like USA.

In Sweden our police force is armed fully and yet gun crime remains very low. Certainly one of the lowest ratios to capita in Europe.

Exactly! I always here from people not from the U.S. about our gun control problems. The problems in America are quite unique from that of the rest of the world. We are very adamant about our right to bear arms dating from colonial times, Minutemen and all that. You couldn't enforce serious gun control regulation that you could actually enforce even if you did pass it. Not to mention the inability to properly police our Southern border and prevent gunrunning from Mexico into America and vice versa.

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I'm of the opinion if a deranged nutter wants to shoot a policeman he'll do it regardless.

Having a gun wouldn't make the blind bit of difference unless you have it to hand and treat every civilian like a potential life threat. Moat blasted a policeman in his face sat in his patrol car. Two ladies called out for a routine call get shot dead by a madman perhaps before they even saw the bloke? It'd take an incompetent and inaccurate assassin to allow the other party to even look at their holdall IMO. Thats why guns are so dangerous, you're dead before you even know it.

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