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Everything posted by Foreveram

  1. Apart from the line up is announced at 2 o’clock 🤷🏻‍♂️
  2. And Bristol, Northampton, Wycombe and Cambridge.
  3. Don’t bother, it won’t be a good night 😉
  4. If you’re seated there’s a fair chance you’ll have your view obstructed by one of the four pillars in the newly constructed stand.
  5. I’m sorry but you can’t have, Adams is here as a loan signing but Bird isn’t 🤷🏻‍♂️ Its well documented that they had a player in the building and the deal was scuppered at the last minute.
  6. Well there’s a few on here that think they know everything 🙄
  7. Have you never heard of sky hooks 😂
  8. Well we did score three in the last game and Collins didn’t score any of them, plus according to some on here contributed nothing, so yes we should be alright. Plus we can recall Brown next week and Washington may well be fit also.
  9. It’s not bizarre when you note who it is though.
  10. Yes everyone was having this type of conversation as we were walking away from the match, NOT😂
  11. Being really close to the side of the pitch in the seats you could pick up on the little things like Nelson trying to take a quick throw in and Cashin switching off for a second and their player nipping between them, Nelson giving Cash the fingers to the eyes sign and shouting WATCH.
  12. I think the referee thought the ball was going out of play and so turned away, their player frustrated at not being able to get the ball shoved Adam’s over forcefully. Adams upset at this needless action jumped up and squared up to him, it was at this point the referee turned back. Then the referee came over and gave Adams a telling off, marking his card. It set the tone.
  13. It is but that is 198 less than the tickets sold. Quite a few empty seats around us, I did wonder why this was, problem with the railway maybe ?
  14. They put on their website that home tickets would only be sold to fans with previous buying history cos Derby are expected to sell out the away end and then try to get tickets in the home end.
  15. Said it many times but if they know we are going to sell out, and Barnsley do know because they stated it, why don’t they just open up the lot🤷🏻‍♂️ They opened up another block of 250 and it’s gone in minutes. By the time I’ve finished typing this it’s probably sold out again.😂
  16. Tickets on sale for Barnsley at 10 o’clock this morning to season ticket holders. 366 tickets available.Fairly sure there is more tickets to come but know idea of the numbers.
  17. Adam’s was shielding the ball out of play, their player barged him squarely in the back and knocked him flying, the referee was looking the other way.
  18. # your only dead once 😂 #Actually I’m in bed now 😉
  19. I’ve done the Ship, Turks, Turtle bay, back to the Ship, back to the hotel, espresso martinis, some other random cocktails, back on the beer now. # football away days 😂
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