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Walkley Ram

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Everything posted by Walkley Ram

  1. Adams is an absolute beast. Exactly what we've been missing.
  2. Makes sense. I assumed that there must have been something in the way. It does look odd doesn't it.
  3. Did Exeter get the measurements wrong when designing that stand?
  4. So jealous of everyone who's gone down there for a few days. Hope you're all having a good time. Absolutely fantastic cider down there, especially the stuff you buy in petrol stations in plastic bottles. I'll be watching on Rams TV while I'm meant to be working. Got a good feeling about this one. A win and 4 points from the last two would be good going.
  5. Based on Warnes pre-match comments about Nyambe, it does sound like he took a significant knock. It was also really interesting to hear Bradley give his account of it. Says they were expecting another long throw into the box and it took them all by surprise. Hard to blame either Warne or Wilson for that one. Collective blame for switching off.
  6. I saw a 70s Derby subbuteo team in a vintage shop the other day. I didn't pick it up, I'm kicking myself.
  7. Am I allowed to want us to be better than Ipswich? It's just the Mrs will be furious if that means I'll start wetting the bed.
  8. I've no joy in anyone's misery watching the football on show at the moment. My post was meant to be sarcastic. Thanks for calling me a knob though, it's probably accurate.
  9. My first post wasn't meant to be having a dig at anyone, was meant to be more "I'm going next week but you all think the football is crap so I'm less excited than usual". Crap joke on my part, so I understand how it looked how you took it.
  10. Wednesday fans were all saying the same about Moore. Results, but with turgid football.
  11. Gonna drive 5mph all the way to Derby, so at least I see some quick passing.
  12. Glad you're all sick of the football on show. I'm going next Saturday. Can't wait.
  13. Out for the other half's birthday. Sat refreshing the score on my phone. This is torture.
  14. It's always interesting to see the thoughts of the opposition fans. I've seen plenty saying that Bradley looked brilliant at the back for us, while a quick search on here will show that some of us wouldn't have even named him on the bench. Do you think you'll keep the core of that squad together next season? You have to be one of the favourites with a squad like that, if your manager can get a tune out of them.
  15. He has to go for me (just saving this post to re-use it later)
  16. Warnock off to Aberdeen, so we might as well keep him then.... (For the record, I absolutely think we should keep Warne, based on how he's turning things around, this was a joke)
  17. Not if they keep defending like that.
  18. I turned it down, don't fancy working weekends.
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