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Walkley Ram

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Everything posted by Walkley Ram

  1. I can only assume it's a change of shape. He did play well
  2. Great ball across the box from nat, no striker there to meet it.
  3. He's having a good game. He's worked his socks off.
  4. Cashin doesn't seem on it today. Few silly mistakes.
  5. It was right in front of the ref and linesman. Not seen a replay but it looked nailed on
  6. Almost caught them out there. Good work by bird.
  7. We've not done that all season, so I don't expect us to start now. Barnsley are playing a really high line, so I'd like to see us hit them on the break a bit. That is something we can do well.
  8. Why can't we just have a normal manager with normal things to say, like Brian Clough.... He can say what he wants if he takes us up.
  9. If I lived in Barnsley I wouldn't want to go home either
  10. Definitely didn't help. It meant those pubs who didn't improve, or happened to be in a bad area struggled. But a lot of pubs needed to adapt to survive, and plenty didn't. Agree totally with pubco pubs. I tend to avoid them where possible so I didn't take them into account with the above. I used to run one and we had to sneak our own beer barrels in, bought off the pub over the road. Was the only way we could afford to get beer in that we could sell for a profit. The pedigree the brewery sold us was about twice the price. It was like Marston's wanted us to die.
  11. Pubs ruined the pub industry. Serving crap beer in awful environments then moaning that supermarket prices have taken all their trade. Funny how nice pubs with good beer are still going. Anyway. I'm off to the pub.
  12. Just seen Madley in a pub in Barnsley. Having a pint with Toby Tyke. Wearing full Barnsley kit, cleaning his red cards, and he was practicing how to write "Mendez-Laing" in a little black book. On the dart board was a ram. Make of that what you will.
  13. Gives us a nice excuse if we lose though. That's the most important thing.
  14. Interesting, I didn't realise they had a different way of working it out. Another plot by those in charge to keep the rams down.
  15. Classic Dave, jumping on the Sibley bandwagon after he scores a goal. If you really liked him you'd have said something sooner... 😆
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