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Posts posted by scarboroughwa

  1. 4 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    I get there should be charges. Years ago when we were at the BBG loads of people parked in the DRI for football as was free so you can understand why they started charging.

    The charges at the royal arent excessive really, if you are there on an appointment its usually capped at 2 hours, and if there for a few days i think family etc can get a pass for the week at about £9.00.

    I can understand it being a problem if you are elderly, on benefits though, not sure if they have allowances for that or not.


    Hehe. BBG. Respect.

  2. On 10/30/2017 at 01:46, Paul71 said:

    Walkers on shared bridleways with cyclists.

    Ok not all of them, but been down on cromford canal today and a large portion of them look at you like you have just done a dump on their brand new cream carpet. Its a shared bridleway so expect people on bikes, its always older people that look at you like your some sort of criminal, im not going fast, im being patient, im not expecting you to jump out the way immediately but dont moan and grumble as im going past, im just as entitled to be here as you.

    Especially the couple today who we approached slowly, rang our bells with no response from them, so slowly got nearer and rang the bell again only for the woman to turn round and act like i was the clown from IT waving a massive dagger in her face. Queue the old fella start ranting about giving them more notice with the bell, so i say what do you mean ive been ringing it, their response was 'well we are walking and talking we cant be expected the hear you'...so how can i give you more notice if you arent going to hear me until im within a couple of meters of you?

    Then a rant about having to give walkers the right of way, so im saying 'i am doing, im waiting until you know we are there and can move over, what do you want me to do, get off and walk behind you all the way into cromford?'


    My favourite walk in the world. And up the incline.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    When your other half decides to do a 'spring clean' (in october) of the kitchen. It all looks great you think but then over the coming weeks you find that the cleaning excercise has largly been transferring items out of the cupboards into the rubbish bin as you go into them expecting to find items you know are in there but now have suddently vanished.

    Trying to explain to her that things like spices dont suddenly become poison 35 minutes after they reach their best before date,

    Or that utensil that has vanished that she tells you you never used anyway, for me to tell her how do you work that out, while it might not be everyday or every week its certainly every other week...


    Me "ooh, you've done a lovely job of tidying up, where's my stuff?"

    Her "in the shed"

    Me "Errr... my electrical stuff is in the damp shed"

  4. 23 hours ago, Coconut said:

    Puzzling/bemusing more than annoying:

    The legal system still incorporating the swearing of an oath on a Bible. It was in aid of claiming the rights to my dead dad's estate in lieu of a will.

    Not sure what 'Almighty God' has to do with my legal rights but hey ho!

    I suppose I didn't have to do it that way, there would have been alternatives,  but I couldn't be arsed to argue.

    Yup, mind boggling. Hardly anyone believes this god b******* any more anyway. Man in the sky? Heaven? The ark? Adam and Eve f****** and now we've got people? f*** off.

    Even better, let's not pay taxes and let hundreds of god's spokespeople rape and abuse little vulnerable children, but not hand them in. No, no, no... oh f*** it, let's use magic man who controls everything as a reason for killing countless upon countless numbers of people.

    god. What a top guy.

  5. 4 hours ago, Gritters said:

    I get tits off with all this. They are off for 9 months then come back 3 days a week. You haven't got a clue what they do when they come back and then at Christmas you go to book a holiday and they have already booked the time off.

    Yep, the three year one I'm referring too has has three kids on the bounce, done a couple of months, off again etc etc.

  6. 31 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    Yep that too, then moan when they don't get time off for Christmas.

    Oh f***, don't you dare touch Christmas. Booked a year in advance, as with all other school holidays. And don't you dare attempt to touch the way it's always been.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    Its a difficult topic this one. I do find most women are fine and don't abuse it, but two I worked with came back part time, 2 or 3 days a week. Fine the business let them but erm why do any medical appointments for you or your little one seem to fall on a day you should be at work.


    Yes, another point... how many elect to work a Monday?

    Remind me again, how many bank holidays on a Monday?

  8. 8 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    In fairness beyond the legal allowance for maternity leave employers are well within their rights to tell people making those demands to do one. It depends on what you do for a living, some jobs lend themselves more to flexibility than others.

    Oh, they're within their legal allowance. Is mine flexiblish work? Flexible as in others' work can be done by me and my colleagues? I suppose so.

    Still, the above is as it is.

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