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Everything posted by JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta

  1. Bird is going to look sensational now we've got someone in midfield to do the grunt work, isn't he?
  2. This could have been posted at any time during the last few matches
  3. What an utterly pointless back and forth this has degraded in to. As it stands and like it or not, Collins is our main man up front. Get behind him, help keep his confidence up and he'll do his level best to get us over the line. I don't give a toss what his % of his goals are penalties, just that goals are going in. Get a grip. Ive done my share of moaning about our style of play but this takes the biscuit.
  4. I dont think we can assume those losses in our latest accounts are going to repeat at the same level every year. Were there not some 'one off' items in there hanging over from administration that impacted the number?
  5. There must be a reason Jaoo still hasn't got a club. Pricing himself out maybe?
  6. Gayle has scored about four goals in the last four years. Not sure he's the answer we're looking for, especially as he'd probably demand a significant salary.
  7. The final straw was when Chansiri asked for a threesome with Rammie and Ewie. Clowes slammed the phone down and vowed never to business with him again.
  8. But we did sell someone, and that deal presumably wasn't cooked up in an hour earlier today. If we had to sell to buy then fair enough, but we only did the selling part.
  9. If they decided to promote four teams automatically we'd probably finish 5th on goal difference.
  10. Good enough for the fans to put their pitchforks down?
  11. Do you think Warne would use the U21's if Collins got injured, or do you think he'd play someone in the senior squad out of position instead? Also, the main striker in the U21's has been sent out on loan.
  12. We should buy him some extra large shin pads, make him wear knee braces and a crash helmet for the remaining games this season.
  13. For what it's worth I think the reason we are all so racked off is that Warne has been going on about adding a striker for weeks, and the club have done a crap job about being explicit with any restrictions we may or may not be working within. The perception will be that the club has over promised and under delivered and it looks like we'll be limping home this season having apparently learned nothing from last season.
  14. As if it makes a difference, Warne would rather play someone like a knackered NML up from t than give a youngster a chance.
  15. Sums up everything we've attempted as a club in the last year.
  16. For what it's worth I don't blame Warne entirely for the lack of a striker signing. It sounds like we had a deal in place for one and got done at the last minute by Stoke. The issue is on the business side of the club, if the Bird deal was known before today why leave it so late and leave us short of time to move on plan B,C,D,E? Did we even have a plan B,C,D,E? Why did we indulge that clown from Sheffield for days on end instead of telling him to do one last week? Warne is probably as annoyed as we are that he hasn't got a striker in the squad.
  17. If only we had a whole month to sort it and not just 24 hours!
  18. The twitter admin does have the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever and post a "Happy Birthday [insert obscure former player]!" tweet at 22.57 tonight.
  19. I got some skiing trousers once. Never been skiing before, probably never will.
  20. Finally, a new half time announcement sponsor
  21. When have we ever done the obvious and seemingly correct thing?
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