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Everything posted by MackworthRamIsGod

  1. I've seena different Derby these last few games, Paul seems to have built a team that should be feared. I just hope we approach the game like a team that has won 3 on the bounce, scored 11 goals in 4 games (I think) and have Dwight Gayle in form. If we do, I think we will have to much for Bolton and will win 3-1.
  2. Jesus, how many big injuries does 1 team need in a season?
  3. This is much much better. Added to the last 2 games, we seem to have finally clicked.
  4. And it's becoming ever increasingly apparent that we have been right all this time. There's only a handful of you left.
  5. Someone said the same to me last week..we lost
  6. 5 at the back, at home, after 2 defeats? Surely Paul isn't going with the "just try to not lose" mentality, it's that exact mentality that has cost us dearly 2 games on the trot. The man is absolutely clueless and will cost us promotion this season and its becoming bloody infuriating. Please for the love of God David, Clowes or the fella on here, send Warne packing. Apart from that, Come On You Rams!
  7. Today is a great opportunity for Paul to prove us doubters wrong. At home to Port Vale, with Dwight Gayle, Corey Blackett Taylor and Mendez-Laing at his disposal. I don't even think he can mess this up.
  8. Just walked along the path and can confirm it is open. I'll be here all day keeping you up to date with any developments. More to follow.
  9. No mickey taking here. Good points well made.
  10. It is open yes! ITK Although it wouldn't suprise me if Aston Villa nip in and close it at the last minute!!
  11. Nothing wrong with being positive at all. Here's your chance. Could you list the positives under the current manager? A genuine question. I'll start, he signed a good lad in Nelson and I rate him.
  12. Well let's all agree to disagree and make love.
  13. For negative sake? We have just lost 2 on the bounce, one against a team that hadn't won in 22 games. Both games we put in poor performances and that has been a theme all season. I admit I've been more negative about Paul Warne than others, but that's purely because I saw concerns earlier on and unfortunately they were concerning enough for me to think he wasn't right for us. How I long for him to Ram that down my throat and prove me wrong.
  14. It's based on what has been served up all season, not a knee jerk reaction. I'm finding this constant defending of what is poor football, poor tactics, poor recruitment, poor game management quite tiresome to be honest. It's like some people are being positive for positives sake. I'm guessing these people don't attend the games or don't even watch them? They just look at the league table and think 'ooo that looks nice'. I'm there every home game (never boo and never will), but I see what is being served up and it is tripe. Even his bobble hat is crap now.
  15. Should have thanked him for his services at the end of last seasons catastrophic collapse. I honestly think failure to get promotion this year would be catastrophic for this club in so many ways. Look how easy this division is and we are still arsing it up. Imagine if we have clubs like QPR, Huddersfield, Notts County, Wrexham...that's without Reading and Wigan potentially being more stable.
  16. To be honest the player in question was a key first team player until recently.
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