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Posts posted by froggg

  1. 8 hours ago, Dimmu said:

    I love liquorice and garlic and cherries etc..

    But with beer they just don't work.. Haven't tried that one but I'd be cautious.. :)

    For me it's a great beer, brewed ten miles up the road:cool:

  2. On 13 January 2016 at 20:28, Cisse said:

    Devastating news for Finnish watch hobbyist. The man that was the number 1 seller of great vintage watches here died a week ago. Our country is so small and the watch circles are even smaller so this is an awful news.

    The man that passed away sold me about a dozen watches over the years and was such a nice guy and a true gentleman. I think I will post pics of some of his watches here at some time to honor him.

    Does anybody know a good and trustworhy seller of vintage watches in Derbyshire or Birmingham ?




    Hampshire though Cisse

  3. 45 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    Nice bottle top, would make a great forum logo I think.  It's better than the current rubbish.

    im quite save slagging off Daveo's logo, as this thread won't interest him as he drinks fizzy yellow water.

    I could have done a cracking hand drawn Ram, I am not just a p iss artist.:cool:

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