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B4’s Sister

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Everything posted by B4’s Sister

  1. The majority of audiobooks are read by one person who acts out the different characters. Some audiobooks have more than one narrator. Personally, I don’t like more than two narrators as it can get a bit confusing, but it could be that I’m usually listening while driving and can’t always concentrate on the book 100%. if you have a library membership you can use the BorrowBox app for free audio and ebooks. I use this a lot.
  2. They are all different. Is Cloud Atlas easy to follow? I’ve watched the film twice and been quite confused both times
  3. The book club I go to picked Song of Achilles last year and we enjoyed it. The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker is good. They are a lot of characters who appear in different myths. Achilles is also part of the story. My favourite rewritten myth is Circe by Madeline Miller.
  4. I bought Before the Dust Settles last night. Only 99p on kindle at the moment.
  5. I will have to see the film. So many books, so little time to read them all 😂 My favourite Irish author is John Boyne.
  6. I am a swimmer but have never been wild swimming. Swimming is so relaxing. I love nature too. The Salt Path by Raynor Winn is a good read. She has written two follow ups too.
  7. It is really interesting and it helps you understand different personalities. Especially in the workplace. I was introduced to it from an away day exercise. We established what personality type we were and then planned a party in our personality groups. I’m a blue - very detail focussed. Everyone I have met who has done the exercise loved it. My only critique of the book is it very American.
  8. No, this is really interesting. I wangled my way into a talk with two U.N. Executives on Tuesday. One of them was the negotiator for the 1999 Air India hijacked plane. The theory and cultural considerations were really interesting to hear. Have you read Surrounded by Idiots?@Van der MoodHoover
  9. Yes, come on Daniel (B4) you didn’t deliver on me losing a few pounds with grief, so the least you can do is pick the Rams up. It can be an early birthday present for me 😂
  10. @MaltRam Added this to my wish list. I love Greek myths and well researched historical fiction. The last book I read was Blood and Beauty by Sarah Dunant which was about the the Borgias
  11. I don’t read many autobiographies. Which is surprising as I’m quite nosey 😂I’ve got Alan Rickman’s on my kindle though.
  12. I have this but haven’t read it yet. I loved The Foundling by Stacey Halls. I saw her speak at Derby Book Festival a few years ago
  13. I hadn’t heard of these before. I like the sound of The Midwich Cuckoos
  14. I love the Hairy Bikers. I have a few recipe books of theirs. So sad 😢
  15. I’ve always been a bookworm. I usually get through 30-40 books a year. I’m currently reading Uncommon Type by Tom Hanks. Wasn’t sure what to expect but I’m pleasantly surprised. It’s well written and very easy reading. I’d love to hear what you’re reading, what your favourite book is, or some recommendations 📚
  16. It’s really lovely of you all to put the idea forward, but you really don’t need to. I’ve got until the end of April to sort it out. You’re a bloody lovely bunch ❤️
  17. He’s retired so I don’t want to ask him
  18. I’m not sure what to do about a season ticket. I’ve been using B4’s since he passed away. I feel like going to every home match is a bit too much with working full-time. The ticket is expensive and I’ll struggle to afford it as my car insurance is due at the same time. Don’t think my dad is ready to give up B4’s seat yet 😢
  19. There’s a couple of car parks on Riverside Rd near the Derwent Way island. Can take a little while to get out if leaving at full time, but only a little further to walk than Derwent Way.
  20. Another Sunday art attack. I’m inflicting this one on my uncle as a birthday present 😂
  21. It’s on Netflix and Channel 4
  22. Might already have been mentioned but I watched Deadwater Fell this week. Really enjoyed it. David Tennant was very creepy
  23. Photos look a bit grainy but they look clearer in person
  24. I’ve been practising with the pastels. Starting to get better 🎨
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