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About GboroRam

  • Birthday 05/02/1971

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  • Location
    Heckington, Sleaford

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  1. For all the dead tree press making comments about the damage to the roads being caused by heavy EVs, apparently this was not quite the correct evaluation of a report into road damage. Yes, they acknowledged that average vehicle weight is increasing, but of course we have heavy vehicles delivering goods every day. However, the report made a correlation between increased adverse weather and increased road damage. It's likely that the biggest causes of the extra damage are environmental, so global warming will be more responsible than the batteries - and they will be helping with the global warming problems, rather than adding to them. The papers don't want to tell you that though!
  2. GboroRam

    Krystian Bielik

    Do we have a big enough medical bay though?
  3. "I bought it from Clinton's cards" "Clinton's cards?" "Yes, Clinton's cards" "Really,Clinton's cards" "Yes, Clinton's cards"
  4. AI is definitely the way forward. Is it Grok? Er...
  5. Maybe the alcohol is impairing me, but I don't understand. Sorry?
  6. In case you didn't know, there's a very NSFW version of the puppet sex scene.
  7. He seemed fine on X factor.
  8. "St Peter, clear my afternoon appointments."
  9. My wife giving lollies to the local children. Five dollars gone in 30 seconds, but despite everything they all looked so happy.
  10. I'm trying to get my head around this at a macro level and I'm struggling tbh. It's a complicated subject and I'm not an economist. I can see that inflation happens as a result of the capitalism ponzi scheme. Governments issue debt to banks at an interest rate, which creates money. More money creates inflation. Governments use this method of kicking the can down the road to let future generations pay for today's spending. So if you stop the money creation, you stop the inflation - but you stop governments from spending money outside of what bitcoin mining allows for the creation of. Currently governments metaphorically click their fingers and money is created. The population is growing, but if money creation is slower than the population increase, effectively your money value goes down. Unheard of with bitcoin, because it's value only goes up - because you swap it out for Fiat currency that is in plentiful supply. I'd say if you want to make money out of bitcoin, the last thing you want is to swap it out for Fiat as the basis of your country's economy.
  11. I called the ex once and told her I was on the train, and some random bloke at the bar shouted a loud "choo choo". That took me some time to get back from.
  12. From my memory of "7 habits of highly effective people" I learned - if you want to change something about your life, change something about your life. And by that I mean make a small change. It might be a catalyst to bigger changes. Pick a small thing and focus on making it happen.
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