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Liverpool Manager


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That's why I'm not keen on this generation of players OR managers. Loyalty has gone out of football. Managers and players alike are focussed only on using their current job as a stepping stone. It used to be just the odd mental trigger happy chairman you had to worry about - now they're all it.

Is it any surprise the money side of things has gone mad, managers are trying to buy themselves a better CV and as quickly as possible. Bugger the consequences. 4 year contract at 50k a week.. pfft managers dish them out like candy.

Chairmen are trying to buy managers who can buy them quick success, managers are jumping ship to go and join the chairman who's prepared to throw the most at it.....

I hate modern football - even though I quite like Brendan Rogers - he could have stayed around a bit longer than he has. He's turned into what some would call a "job hopper".

It's a massive gamble again by Liverpool - they've just hired a guy who has had 3 jobs and still only managed at first team level for 3 years. In one of those jobs he couldnt win a game ,with a team that then went on a storming run as soon as he left, He'd only had 6 months before he left Watford for Reading, 6 months before he left them by "mutual consent" and now less than 2 years before walking out at Swansea... who were no mugs before he took over by the way.

Blimey what has happened to the traditional values at Liverpool.

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He never won the players over at Reading (they were used to Steve Coppell's route one physical game). When he took over at Swansea they were already playing his style thanks to Martinez and Sousa's management.

Big challenge for him to persuade the Liverpool players and fans to buy into it.

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