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Which places would you love to visit the most?


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I've been lucky enough due to travelling to see sow many beautiful places and experience so many different types of cultures and lifestyles..

I've been to rainforests, huge mountains, -30 degree snow storms, 40 degree deserts, the middle of nowehere (the interior), amazing coastlines, canyons, wild animals, isolated islands, The barrier Reef, other reefs, pardise beaches, famous cities, Hollywood, extremely rich places, extremely poor places, Mayan ruins, Mayan pyramids, South pacific ocean islands (Taiti) etc..

The only place I've yet to experience is a Safari.. The only continent I've yet to visit is Africa.. If I get the chance one day 2 places I'd love to go to is Egypt for those pyramids and I'd love to visit South Africa or Kenya and do a safari..

Another one I missed off is Alaska but I know I'll go there soon to see the Northern Lights

And the last one is Bora Bora or another chain of South pacific ocean islands just to escape the real world again

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A Safari, I know I'd love it.. But it's not going to happen I don't think..

In fairness of all those places above you can see all of those in 3 or 4 countries.. You just need to visit the big ones! America pretty much has everything you can imagine, the only thing it perhaps doesn't have is paradise Islands

I geniunely think America is the best country in the world for diversity

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A Safari, I know I'd love it.. But it's not going to happen I don't think..

In fairness of all those places above you can see all of those in 3 or 4 countries.. You just need to visit the big ones! America pretty much has everything you can imagine, the only thing it perhaps doesn't have is paradise Islands

I geniunely think America is the best country in the world for diversity

Don't worry, i'm only jealous. I really wanna see America and Canada, among others.

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Blimey Bris, you won the lotto or summat?

Those places sound interesting but I couldn't bare the really low or the really high temps in some of them (I'd have to visit the Grand Canyon when the sun was low). Rainforests would be a no-no, I'm no Bear Grills - but I'd love to see the pyramids.

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Japan's never appealed to me, too much doggy food 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/huh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':huh:' />

Corrected that for you Mrs Ram 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />.

TBF Japanese food can be amazing, try Moonsha in Derby and have the teppanyaki

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Corrected that for you Mrs Ram 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />.

TBF Japanese food can be amazing, try Moonsha in Derby and have the teppanyaki

Yeah, I s'pose the teppan would be ok, if it was with steak. I don't eat seafood though as I really can't stand it. I'd have to know exactly what's in something before I eat it so having them cook it right in front of me would be ideal. So if ever I'm in Japan Mcram, I'll give it a try!

Ps, I'm lady, not Mrs 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

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Ah, a subject I can sound intellignet on.

Bris, I'll see your everythng, and raise you a Safari or two. <cheap plug> I run a small travel agency that specialises in Latin America with my Peruvian wife</cheap plug>, but I will always maintain that Africa can't be beaten. I started in Uganda, seeing the mountain gorillas, as a mere boy, and ended up, 2 months later, in South Afirca, swimming with Great White sharks, as a proper grizzly man.

there was an occasion where I was in the Ngorongoro crater when we slept in a wild campsite, and a pride of juvenile male lions marched through our campsite at night. One rubbed up against my tent. We thought he guides were bullshitting when they told us stay in our tents, til we found the footprints, and steam pile of turd outside the tent.

Anyway, enough <bad spelling>reminising</bad spelling>, where would I like to go?

i always wanted to do the transiberian express, see the Great Wall of China, Moscow and everything in between. I had it booked, but I cancelled it and got my money back when I met my wife so I could fly back to Peru. I'll do it with her one day. In the meantime, we've got a two month trip through Peru, Bolivia and Brazil planned for the end of the year. And a week in sunny Spain planned for the summer. And a weekend in Hull.

PS Lady Ram, you've got to check out the Colca Canyon in Peru, it dwarfs the Grand Canyon, it's nearly twice as deep. The Fish River Canyon in Namibia is pretty awesome too.

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Ah, a subject I can sound intellignet on.

Bris, I'll see your everythng, and raise you a Safari or two. <cheap plug> I run a small travel agency that specialises in Latin America with my Peruvian wife</cheap plug>, but I will always maintain that Africa can't be beaten. I started in Uganda, seeing the mountain gorillas, as a mere boy, and ended up, 2 months later, in South Afirca, swimming with Great White sharks, as a proper grizzly man.

there was an occasion where I was in the Ngorongoro crater when we slept in a wild campsite, and a pride of juvenile male lions marched through our campsite at night. One rubbed up against my tent. We thought he guides were bullshitting when they told us stay in our tents, til we found the footprints, and steam pile of turd outside the tent.

Anyway, enough <bad spelling>reminising</bad spelling>, where would I like to go?

i always wanted to do the transiberian express, see the Great Wall of China, Moscow and everything in between. I had it booked, but I cancelled it and got my money back when I met my wife so I could fly back to Peru. I'll do it with her one day. In the meantime, we've got a two month trip through Peru, Bolivia and Brazil planned for the end of the year. And a week in sunny Spain planned for the summer. And a weekend in Hull.

PS Lady Ram, you've got to check out the Colca Canyon in Peru, it dwarfs the Grand Canyon, it's nearly twice as deep. The Fish River Canyon in Namibia is pretty awesome too.

do you do dcfcfans discount?

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Tiger Tedd - had to laugh at one of your sentences after reading about your worldwide treks -

'And a weekend in Hull'. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

Mind, Hull has it's share of pondlife so at least you'll be at one with nature.....

But... Moscow? I've never thought of visiting that part of the world even if I could. If it's owt like it used to be, you'd never get out again 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

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I want to go to Africa to see mountain Gorillas especially. I want to see the hittite grand city, the pyramids but not the great wall as much of that is either destroyed or not as it was. I would love to go to the North pole one day as well, that would be my dream.

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Id love to travel Europe with Derby County.... Maybe one day eh?

Other than that there's loads of places but in the next couple of years I fancy the Italian cities, Rome, Milan, Turin, Florence, Venice....

Oh and Croatia and not just because of Stimac 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' /> 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />

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I want to go to Africa to see mountain Gorillas especially. I want to see the hittite grand city, the pyramids but not the great wall as much of that is either destroyed or not as it was. I would love to go to the North pole one day as well, that would be my dream.

Seeing the gorillas is such an amazing experience. But not just for the gorillas. Uganda is still my favourite country in the world. It's just such an adventure from start to finish, (best one day rafting in the world at the source of the nile!) and the people there are the nicest, the kids especially are really cool. I actually smoked weed (don't do drugs kids) in a town on the border of Uganda and Kenya, with a smuggler who had lived in Leicester, just round the corner from me. It's a crazy small world.

North pole sounds cool, I'd like to sail north from Norway and find polar bears. I know some people who have done that. But what I'm really looking forward to when my company is able to expand into Antarctica. You can sail from Ushuaia on the southern tip of Argentina. I'm not sure what there is to see down there, but I'd love to be able to say I'd been to every continent. We'll be investing in a boat one day, but that's a few years away yet.

Got to go to Hull first (you can't help where your rellies live).

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