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Jason Shackell


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It is amazing how good shackell has become since the end of last season...! I thought he had a good season last year for us with a few wobbles thrown in. Tidy defender, poor distribution, 29 and ultimately someone we would need to replace if by some miracle we went up. Providing Clough goes on to improve the team which he has said all along he would do if shackell were sold then it is good business.

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Disagree with the replacing bit, I think he'd be more than capable at PL level with someone decent at the side of him. Defenders that are good defenders but so good on the ball are hard to find at this level, even the lower end of the PL.

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It is amazing how good shackell has become since the end of last season...! I thought he had a good season last year for us with a few wobbles thrown in. Tidy defender, poor distribution, 29 and ultimately someone we would need to replace if by some miracle we went up. Providing Clough goes on to improve the team which he has said all along he would do if shackell were sold then it is good business.

Yet it was the best the defence has looked for years and the one constant difference is Shackell.

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Todays DET article says Derby are considering Burnleys new offer for Shackell. It could be the miserly 1.1m offer quoted by that Mirror fella. The article also says He was signed for 750k which is te lowest figure I have seen. In the Fans Forum Glick is meant to have said they want more than what they signed him for. looks like the goalposts are being moved on the initial fee so that it looks like a hefty profit. Sounds like he will be gone very soon.

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If we sell him for £1.1mil i will be fuming, if we brought him for 750k or 1mil we are only going to make a max profit of 350k if we sell for £1.1. What can we do with the extra 350k ?? We will probably need it to replace shackell and they probably won't be as good or as experienced (which we need with green and Steve Davies going/gone). 1 step forward 3 steps back!

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Nigels comments here deffo sound like he is going;

"We have a couple of targets, one a prime [url=http://www.thisisderbyshire.co.uk/story-16479440-detail/story.html?#][size=1]


[/size] who we think would be a replacement," added Clough.

"He is a bit younger than Jason and wouldn't cost as much, which is once again part of the process that has been ongoing for the last three years.

"The interest in Jason is increasing. There are two clubs very keen on taking him.

"With every player there will come a point where an offer will be deemed good business for the club.

"We don't want to lose Jason but if we got significant funds and it enabled us to buy a couple of players and replace him, without losing too much strength in that area, then we all live in the real world. Occasionally things like that we have to do."

Personally I think the 3 existing players we have in Buxton O.B. & Naylor as central defenders will not be good enough to compete in next seasons championship. I really hope I am proved wrong, but not looking great.... sure time will tell.

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Very unhappy if this is true.

Just a quick question for the people who hold the board responsible:-

What do you think to the way NC has handled this situation? Telling everyone he is for sale, telling everyone they are getting close to the figure we want and also telling everyone that we have a replacement lined up?

I understand that Shackell is very unhappy with the way this has been handled and wanted his club to come out and say he is not for sale.

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It is amazing how good shackell has become since the end of last season...! I thought he had a good season last year for us with a few wobbles thrown in. Tidy defender, poor distribution, 29 and ultimately someone we would need to replace if by some miracle we went up. Providing Clough goes on to improve the team which he has said all along he would do if shackell were sold then it is good business.

...was beginning to think that I was the only one that wouldn't be devastated if Shackell was sold - to my mind, he's a decent centre-half, but certainly not the world-beater that some of our fans are painting him as - yes the defence looked better last year and Shacks certainly played his part, but we also had a regular keeper, a solid left-back and players alongside Shackell that could do a decent job. If we can turn a decent profit and get someone younger that can do as good a job, then it makes sense to sell.....

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...was beginning to think that I was the only one that wouldn't be devastated if Shackell was sold - to my mind, he's a decent centre-half, but certainly not the world-beater that some of our fans are painting him as - yes the defence looked better last year and Shacks certainly played his part, but we also had a regular keeper, a solid left-back and players alongside Shackell that could do a decent job. If we can turn a decent profit and get someone younger that can do as good a job, then it makes sense to sell.....

I cannot believe how much of this **** some of you are willng to take from this club. The figure being quoted for Shackell is £1.1 million, which means we'll make next to nothing in profit - we will not replace a player of his quality at this level for the kind of money we'll get. Can you not see how we are being had over by this board and their spineless mouthpiece of a manager? We are being turned into another Crewe; a feeder club for others to cherry pick our best talent from while we plod along hoping against hope for a miracle to occur, and somehow build a team better than those other clubs with £12 million in the bank from the Prem, or those who actually have boards who back their manager with decent transfer funds.. We will NEVER get promoted with GSE/Clough in charge. Those of you who believe we will are in cloud cuckoo land.

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Very unhappy if this is true.

What do you think to the way NC has handled this situation? Telling everyone he is for sale, telling everyone they are getting close to the figure we want and also telling everyone that we have a replacement lined up?

I understand that Shackell is very unhappy with the way this has been handled and wanted his club to come out and say he is not for sale.

Whatever happens if we go backwards and finish lower than 12th this has got to be on Cloughs head.

The are not selling Shackell, Glick said the other week he's going nowhere this is all Clough.

If this season goes well i will say well done NC you was right but if we go backwards after years of relegation scraps/midtable mediocrity sorry but this is a sackable offence.


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I cannot believe how much of this **** some of you are willng to take from this club. The figure being quoted for Shackell is £1.1 million, which means we'll make next to nothing in profit - we will not replace a player of his quality at this level for the kind of money we'll get. Can you not see how we are being had over by this board and their spineless mouthpiece of a manager? We are being turned into another Crewe; a feeder club for others to cherry pick our best talent from while we plod along hoping against hope for a miracle to occur, and somehow build a team better than those other clubs with £12 million in the bank from the Prem, or those who actually have boards who back their manager with decent transfer funds.. We will NEVER get promoted with GSE/Clough in charge. Those of you who believe we will are in cloud cuckoo land.

That figure is being quoted in The Mirror, would you like me to take some time out to run a few other stories past you that they have put to print? Why would we take £1.1million when we have already turned down £1.2million according to more reliable sources?

If good defenders are not available at that price how did we get Shackell in the first place?!

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