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Twitter Etiquette


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  1. Do not ask for Retweets, if people want to share your tweet they will Retweet it without being asked to.
  2. Do not beg Celebs/Footballers to Retweet the fact it's your dogs birthday, they won't give a **** and chances are nobody else will either.
  3. Do not beg for more followers, this includes "Theo please follow me it's my birthday and I'm 2 of 50". If you are really that bothered about your follower count you are missing the point of Twitter and should GTFO. I'll let you into a little secret, nobody gives a crap how many followers you have.
  4. Just because you follow someone don't expect them to follow you back automatically, it might help if you actually say hello I'm so and so or reply to a tweet.
  5. Moan about a trending topic by including the hashtag that's trending, all you are doing is keeping that Justin Bieber topic trending with the rest of the muppets.
  6. #FF, save it, Twitter gives me recommendations on the side (which are usually stars thanks to derbydan), I don't need my timeline filled with them on Friday's, it's not nice, please stop.
  7. Replace a film title with a fruit, now I don't mind one or two but do you really have to do 50 odd? we get the idea ok.

Please, if you are doing any of the above stop. You are the reason why Twitter is getting crap and it makes me sad.

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Well my big twitter claim to fame is Michael Johnson follows me, but I doubt Daveo cares #jealous

Has it changed your life knowing that Michael Johnson scrolls past pictures of your breakfast with chips you filthy animal?

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  1. Do not ask for Retweets, if people want to share your tweet they will Retweet it without being asked to.
  2. Do not beg Celebs/Footballers to Retweet the fact it's your dogs birthday, they won't give a **** and chances are nobody else will either.
  3. Do not beg for more followers, this includes "Theo please follow me it's my birthday and I'm 2 of 50". If you are really that bothered about your follower count you are missing the point of Twitter and should GTFO. I'll let you into a little secret, nobody gives a crap how many followers you have.
  4. Just because you follow someone don't expect them to follow you back automatically, it might help if you actually say hello I'm so and so or reply to a tweet.
  5. Moan about a trending topic by including the hashtag that's trending, all you are doing is keeping that Justin Bieber topic trending with the rest of the muppets.
  6. #FF, save it, Twitter gives me recommendations on the side (which are usually stars thanks to derbydan), I don't need my timeline filled with them on Friday's, it's not nice, please stop.
  7. Replace a film title with a fruit, now I don't mind one or two but do you really have to do 50 odd? we get the idea ok.

Please, if you are doing any of the above stop. You are the reason why Twitter is getting crap and it makes me sad.

I agree with your first four points. But I can't stop myself doing 5 I have to complain about the utter tripe that fourteen year olds get trending.

The #FF thing is ok if you mention someone and introduce them, tell people why you should follow them. But the tweets that just have a dozen names are annoying and clog up the feed. I'm not just going to follow 10 different people unless you tell me why I should follow them.

The replace something with something funny kind of things are funny.

But it's annoying people talking about how they're only 13 followers of 150 and beg for followers by midnight. I've started unfollowing people who do that. Begging for a RT is just annoying too. I don't want to sound horrible but how is Shaun Barker retweeting going to make your wife's birthday better or cure cancer? Get an autograph like people did in the old days or donate to charity.

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I agree with your first four points. But I can't stop myself doing 5 I have to complain about the utter tripe that fourteen year olds get trending.

But all your doing is keeping it trending longer, just as bad as the 12 year olds that started it

The replace something with something funny kind of things are funny

1 or 2 tweets yeah, not when I have to scroll down **** loads of them from loads of people it's not funny. Have to remember chances are your not the only one doing them so if you have 5 or 6 people doing 50 odd each it's boring.

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