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Non-Derby County games thread


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So you can bare-hug another player and it's not a foul? That doesn't make sense, by hugging someone you aren't likely to go to ground but it's a foul..

A foul is impeding someone, knocking them out of their stride.. Some players are fouled and try to continue and waste the opportunity, we know they're fouled..

Young was impeded both by Derry and today, he chose to go make it obvious.. It's clever, it's legal, it's good

What a load of hollyhocks. Derry brushed his ribs with his hand. He chose to run into a defender and fling himself to the floor. The both of you make me sick. It's all about values. I'm glad I've still got mine.

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Just because you're going to lose the ball (which would happen if you're clipped or not) shouldn't mean, as a side rule, that if you make a meal of it i.e flopping over like you've been karate kicked that it equals a foul.

When did it become acceptable to cheat when you're losing the ball? Football is a contact sport, always had been always should be. There's bound to be a few moments when a player is touched by his opponent. Messi gets kicked every game, never dives, keeps hold of the ball.

It's the players that don't have the talent to keep the ball that dive. Making them cheats.

Bear hugging, you're having a larf.

That doesn't make sense? He was fouled, you've just admitted it.. SAF is right, it's definately a penalty... Of course he dived to the ground, he didn't need to dive to the ground, but it was a foul, it was a penalty.. He might even have been looking for it, what makes him a cheat? He was fouled..

I'd 100% want any Derby player or England player to go down after being fouled in the area, why stay on your feet unless it's an open goal you're shooting into..

People foul in the area all the time, the honest players don't win..

As for Messi, he doesn't always try and stay on his feet.. I've seen him go down with minimal contact but it's still a foul.. For him it's different, he has more chance of scoring by staying on his feet than looking for freekicks outside the area.

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What a load of hollyhocks. Derry brushed his ribs with his hand. He chose to run into a defender and fling himself to the floor. The both of you make me sick. It's all about values. I'm glad I've still got mine.

He was impeded = foul = every right to go to ground..

I think you're mistaking being fouled and 'diving' and not being touched and 'diving'

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He was impeded = foul = every right to go to ground..

I think you're mistaking being fouled and 'diving' and not being touched and 'diving'

I will ask you again. Should an attacker be allowed to throw himself to the floor any time he is touched in the penalty area and get a penalty?

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He was impeded = foul = every right to go to ground..

I think you're mistaking being fouled and 'diving' and not being touched and 'diving'

Come on Bris, you can't honestly say that young hasnt cheated?

Sometimes it just seems your on here to be controversial.

Chelsea lucky that Tottenham just scored. Otherwise it would be penalty and 10 men.

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He was impeded = foul = every right to go to ground..

I think you're mistaking being fouled and 'diving' and not being touched and 'diving'

Don't mean to have a go but it is people condoning this sort of thing that is very quickly turning the game I love into a non-contact sport.

Players behaving like this make me feel sick and that includes players from DCFC, there have been times when I have slated Jamie Ward for wanting to go to ground too easily.

It is not an art, or being clever, it is cheating.

If what Derry did to Young really made him fall over then he should be spending a bit more time in the gym.

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