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Ashley Young cheating (Again)!

Some would call it cheating, others would call it art..

Many cultures take pride by conning the referee, scoring goals with their hands or diving to win a penalty.. 90% of South American nations feel it is an art to gain an advantage in that way..

I personally have no problems with it.. All this 'honesty' stuff they try and implement on the English game actually hold us back..

I'd love it if Young dives and wins a penalty against the Italians or Portuguese at Euro 2012.. We've been on the recieving end of it so many times.

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Some would call it cheating, others would call it art..

Many cultures take pride by conning the referee, scoring goals with their hands or diving to win a penalty.. 90% of South American nations feel it is an art to gain an advantage in that way..

I personally have no problems with it.. All this 'honesty' stuff they try and implement on the English game actually hold us back..

I'd love it if Young dives and wins a penalty against the Italians or Portuguese at Euro 2012.. We've been on the recieving end of it so many times.

Well our culture doesn't and he's a cheating tw@t, who's done this two weeks running. I would look at the games afterwards and give a 3 match fine/ban. that would stop it.

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Well our culture doesn't and he's a cheating tw@t, who's done this two weeks running. I would look at the games afterwards and give a 3 match fine/ban. that would stop it.

It's part of the game.. It's not illegal.. There isn't anywhere in the rules book that says if a player touches you or impedes you then you have to stay on your feet..

Young was impeded last week by Derry, and also today.. Sometimes players stay on their feet and don't score, why do that as your simply disadvantaging your own team..

You'd never be able to take it out of the game, just as you can't take shirt-tugging at a corner out of the game.. It's part and parcel, and I think it's brilliant to be honest.

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It's part of the game.. It's not illegal.. There isn't anywhere in the rules book that says if a player touches you or impedes you then you have to stay on your feet..

Young was impeded last week by Derry, and also today.. Sometimes players stay on their feet and don't score, why do that as your simply disadvantaging your own team..

You'd never be able to take it out of the game, just as you can't take shirt-tugging at a corner out of the game.. It's part and parcel, and I think it's brilliant to be honest.

It's diving and is illegal and you should be booked for it according to the law. The fact that you find it 'brilliant' makes me nauseous

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It's diving and is illegal and you should be booked for it according to the law. The fact that you find it 'brilliant' makes me nauseous

But it's a foul.. If there is contact, and you don't have the ball, and you knock the guy with the ball out of their stride it is a foul..

I cringe when people try and stay on their feet and end up losing the ball.. Just go down man!

The biggest example was the world cup final.. Holland would have won if Robben had gone down after being clearly fouled by Puyol, him trying to stay on his feet cost them the game.. Puyol would have seen red.

And that's coming from so many people telling him he needs to stay on his feet more because he goes down too easily.. If he doesn't go down, he doesn't help him team.

I don't condone someone purposely scoring with their hand, but I feel 'honest' players who are fouled should make it obvious they are being fouled.. It's the ones who are fouling that are in the wrong, not those who simply emphasise it..

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But it's a foul.. If there is contact, and you don't have the ball, and you knock the guy with the ball out of their stride it is a foul..

I cringe when people try and stay on their feet and end up losing the ball.. Just go down man!

The biggest example was the world cup final.. Holland would have won if Robben had gone down after being clearly fouled by Puyol, him trying to stay on his feet cost them the game.. Puyol would have seen red.

And that's coming from so many people telling him he needs to stay on his feet more because he goes down too easily.. If he doesn't go down, he doesn't help him team.

I don't condone someone purposely scoring with their hand, but I feel 'honest' players who are fouled should make it obvious they are being fouled.. It's the ones who are fouling that are in the wrong, not those who simply emphasise it..

So every time a defender touches you in the box (ooer missus) you should be able to throw yourself to the ground?

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If you can stay on your feet you aren't fouled. A foul is when you clatter into the opponent, knocking him to the ground. Or pulling.

If you dive, you're a cheat. Look at Messi, the guy gets belted but stays on his feet.

So you can bare-hug another player and it's not a foul? That doesn't make sense, by hugging someone you aren't likely to go to ground but it's a foul..

A foul is impeding someone, knocking them out of their stride.. Some players are fouled and try to continue and waste the opportunity, we know they're fouled..

Young was impeded both by Derry and today, he chose to go make it obvious.. It's clever, it's legal, it's good

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So every time a defender touches you in the box (ooer missus) you should be able to throw yourself to the ground?

He was knocked out of his stride, yes he has every right to go to ground.. If he wasn't touched it's stepping over the mark, but people are going over the top here.. Young was fouled, whether it was minimal contact or not, he was fouled.. Going down theatrically is clever, it's making the foul more obvious..

If he had stayed on his feet he wouldn't have got a penalty, despite being fouled.. He chose to make the foul obvious, he shouldn't be crucified for that.. The defender was in the wrong, he fouled him.. Young had every right to go to ground.

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So you can bare-hug another player and it's not a foul? That doesn't make sense, by hugging someone you aren't likely to go to ground but it's a foul..

A foul is impeding someone, knocking them out of their stride.. Some players are fouled and try to continue and waste the opportunity, we know they're fouled..

Young was impeded both by Derry and today, he chose to go make it obvious.. It's clever, it's legal, it's good



Just because you're going to lose the ball (which would happen if you're clipped or not) shouldn't mean, as a side rule, that if you make a meal of it i.e flopping over like you've been karate kicked that it equals a foul.

When did it become acceptable to cheat when you're losing the ball? Football is a contact sport, always had been always should be. There's bound to be a few moments when a player is touched by his opponent. Messi gets kicked every game, never dives, keeps hold of the ball.

It's the players that don't have the talent to keep the ball that dive. Making them cheats.

Bear hugging, you're having a larf.

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