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Non-Derby County games thread


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I really enjoyed that apart from the commentary.

Usually they look at something from 6 different directions in super slow mo and then slate the referee who has one look from one direction for getting a marginal decision wrong, however these two idiots tonight couldn't see a thing and kept blaming the ref when the replay showed the ref to be correct.

e.g. Zaha went to step over the ball, stepped on the defenders foot then went down with momentum, Webb plays on - the commentators then said it should have been a free kick.

e.g. Cardiff defender fouls the Palace forward, Webb waves play on as the ball goes wide, the player then passes it backwards - advantage gone Webb blows up for the free kick - commentators Webb waved play on and blew up because of the crowds reactions.

This leaves me screaming at the TV like a lunatic.

This is the same reason why I cannot listen to the football on BBC radio especially if it is Greeny and Lawro. My kids think I am mad swearing away at the radio.

Rant over

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