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Let's Talk al-Notts Rovers


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Reds fan in peace here. I'm very interested in taking you up on this offer if it's still available. I enjoy having a flutter now and then and this one interests me. I'd be willing to put £500 on the table that Forest will finish above Derby by the end of this season. We could both deposit the monies into a frozen account until the time comes. Maybe get a solicitor to draw a legal document up, wouldn't cost much i wouldn't have thought?

I will take you on that offer. I have every faith that SoD and his team are one of the best in this division, and although i'm not betting on them winning anything just yet, i'll be damned if I see them finishing below Dierby.

Therefore I throw your offer away sir, I care not what you do if Forest finish higher. If Derby finish higher however I shall remove myself from football for a year, and as a result I will not be seen on this forum and you can hang my beautiful meme face on your parlor doors for all to see the fool that made a bet against Derby.

We should be used to it by now.

I've made an offer and i stand very firmly by that offer - I bet any Forest fan that Derby will finish higher in the division, if they don't I will take a year suspension from watching all football (not sure how you could enforce that) but you have my word and if Derby finish higher than Forest they have to do the same!

The one I asked (think it was dave) bottled it... they're just gassin' at the minute, I doubt their actual belief in their side stems further than a lower mid-table finish.

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We should be used to it by now.

I've made an offer and i stand very firmly by that offer - I bet any Forest fan that Derby will finish higher in the division, if they don't I will take a year suspension from watching all football (not sure how you could enforce that) but you have my word and if Derby finish higher than Forest they have to do the same!

The one I asked (think it was dave) bottled it... they're just gassin' at the minute, I doubt their actual belief in their side stems further than a lower mid-table finish.

Screw it, I'll take up that offer too.

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If Derby finish above Forest I will leave DCFCfans forever.

I'm sorry StaffsRam and Daveo I know how this will upset you.

What do I get in return if we finish above you?

Several prominent members on this forum changing to Forest Avatars? Think that is a worthy bet..

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Anybody want a bet that Cox finishes higher than Sammon?

If he does you give £50 to my chosen charity and vise versa?

Edit: or it could be our top scorer finishes higher than yours? Up to you!

You'll be lucky if all your strikers combined score more than Jake.

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If Derby finish above Forest I will leave DCFCfans forever

If Derby are doing better than Forest after a good few games half of you vanish anyway.

Like good old Stan 'ere. If we win in September and are above you he'll be gone quicker than Fielding in an East Midlands derby.

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he fell over lol

were you there?

i heard you had a cracking away following!!

-first away game of the season

-ex premier league team

974 away fans http://www.audi-tt.ru/forum/phpBB2/images/smiles/facepalm

What has an ex premier league team got to do with owt - we've been to more premier league grounds in the last few years than you, so it's not a 'good day out' for us.

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