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Another Billy Davies talk (sigh)

Tricky Tree

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Anyway the post are just pissed because no-one from the club can be arsed to talk to them and rise to their ***** stirring game.

The longer this goes on though, the tougher it is going to be to prepare for a new season. If you do lose him, or he talks himself out of a job again, you will have to appoint someone fairly quickly. Big Sam????

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ooohhhhh get you! Bit touchy this morning tricky?

Ive just had enough of all this uttox; none of you know the real billy! He is a good man, always telling the truth, never cheats and always honours his contract. He hasnt left, he wont leave................ ;)

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That was on twitter you ******* idiot. From your very own journalist and Forest fan, Paul Taylor.

If you knew anything you would realise that Paul Taylor is the biggest **** stirrer out there; after fanhouse percy or whatever he is called. Paul Taylor is a lazy journalist who writes the same old **** every year, according to him billy was on his way out last year. Oh and believe me he is not a forest fan; no forest fan would constantly write negative articles until he finally gets what he wants and that is forest failing again.

Heres the full article, knock yourself out................. muppet!


What you can gather from the article is that A) Paul Taylor has no 'in the know' connections with the club b) no bugger wanted to talk to him because they know what a berk he is and c) the guy hasnt got a clue whats going on, no-one has atm.

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How about run along back to your own forum, or do you have trouble knowing which is which with the sun coming out of Billy's arse blinding you?

Im sensing troubles at work and in your private life or exams are looming and you've been a naughty boy and not revised. Now go on, which is it?! Remember a problem shared is a problem halved.

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Ive just had enough of all this uttox; none of you know the real billy! He is a good man, always telling the truth, never cheats and always honours his contract. He hasnt left, he wont leave................ ;)

Are you under duress? Is there a stocky little bad tempered selfish glaswegian forcing you to type at gunpoint?

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