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Nathan Tyson


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"We saw with Robbie Savage that if you get your head down and perform well the fans will take to you. Tyson knows he has to win the fans over, and we're confident he can do that"

Bet ya!

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Earnshaw didn't do well for us, didn't get much of a chance either. Went to Forest and rubbed our noses in it.

For Tyson he thinks he was treated poorly regarding his new contract. He knows the rivalry. What better place to stick two fingers up at Forest and wee Billy.

Am I happy about him signing, no way. Will I boo him- no because he would be wearing a Derby shirt.

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He will be on a fair whack then if you have agreed to his wage and bonus demands; think you will find out soon enough why clubs were unwilling to offer similar terms.

It seems to me that derby and clough in particular like signing players who perform well against derby; that lad from millwall is a good example. Clough also has an obsession with bringing in pace as well after what we did to you last season, looks like you will end up with all pace and not much quality imo.

Good luck to tyson though, an honest pro and very nice guy.

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Same here Davenport.

If we sign him i'll be annoyed. But then i'll get on and support him most likely. Ignore him entirely possibly.

Booing him can only harm Derby.

I don't rate him as a player either, other than against Derby i don't see him add much other than energy and pace. Not enough.

I'd have the Tyson that plays against us though. Sinclair couldn't beat Brayford very often. Once as far as i can remember. But Tyson was passing him like the wind at PP. And he was running rings around us at CG. The season is more than 2 games long though.

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Tyson is Hard working honest & fast, Forest however have not really played him up front as part of a starting pair a lot. He get's used wide left or as a sub when he's fit. I think he looks best as part of a three up front as he tracks back well.

is strengths are his pace, work rate & the fact that he scares teams to death. On the down side he does not score enough goals, his distribution is poor & he's injured a lot. On his day he's great though. He took Man city apart.

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Not really sure what I will do, my knee jerk reaction was to think about a refund in protest, but this would only wind me up more on a Saturday sat at home instead of witnessing football of the highest calibre (lets hope eh!). The reality is that I shall go along and try to ignore Tyson, I won't boo him as that would make me as bad as his actions were. If he scores the winner against For*st then I'm sure I'll hail him as a hero and go and celebrate with a few beers. Call me a hypocrite, I know, I deserve it, but emotions run high when it comes to players making the journey down Brian Clough Way.

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Not really sure what I will do, my knee jerk reaction was to think about a refund in protest, but this would only wind me up more on a Saturday sat at home instead of witnessing football of the highest calibre (lets hope eh!). The reality is that I shall go along and try to ignore Tyson, I won't boo him as that would make me as bad as his actions were. If he scores the winner against For*st then I'm sure I'll hail him as a hero and go and celebrate with a few beers. Call me a hypocrite, I know, I deserve it, but emotions run high when it comes to players making the journey down Brian Clough Way.

Not fickle imo mate.

Your a Derby fan. Why would you like Tyson BEFORE he does something for your club?

Better fans like you than the fans that refuse to change their mind on a player no matter what he does.

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[sIZE=16px]At least I hope he will not be a starter. [/sIZE]

[sIZE=16px]We already have much better footballers than him.[/sIZE]

[sIZE=16px]No matter what formation we will play.[/sIZE]


I've liked this post purely based on the proffesional layout of the team. Not the players in it. Thought i'd clear that up:D

Plus there is no sign of Tyson.

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tbh in will have to ignore him, I detest that man and every time i look at his face i want to punch him, i will not cheer him or support him in any way, he for me as well as being an odious individual is a second rate championship footballer with pace and little quality. If he is the quality we are after then we will be stuffed.

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tbh in will have to ignore him, I detest that man and every time i look at his face i want to punch him, i will not cheer him or support him in any way, he for me as well as being an odious individual is a second rate championship footballer with pace and little quality. If he is the quality we are after then we will be stuffed.

I think refusing to support anyone once they pull on a Derby shirt is a poor reflection on you if you truly class yourself as a Derby fan. I have tried to keep out of this debate as it has become tedious and certainly doesnt warrant its status as one of the 5 most popular threads on this entire forum.

He is a young man who made a mistake when caught up in the excitement and mayhem of a local derby win. I didnt like it, you didnt like it and most Derby supporters were livid at the sight of it being repeated time and again on TV while our neighbours down the A52 were having a good laugh. Other than your knowledge of this incident what do you or infact anyone else that has been contributing to the "No" campaign against his signing actually know about the mans character or personality that justifies calling him "odious" or any other derogatary description that comes to mind? Misguided - yes, disgusting man - I dont think so.

I am not campaigning on his behalf but a little less histeria and a bit more of a reality check would be appropriate when assessing whether he might do a job for us. He certainly is a bit more than a second rate championship footballer. He might not be a stand out signing or one that would excite many supporters of championship clubs (even the ones untainted by the flag waving incident) but he may well be useful addition to our squad and a more effective and experienced option than some that we had at our disposal over the last 12 months.

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he is a second rate championship footballer, from people i have spoken too he is fast but little end quality, e.g. theo robinson, except at the age of 30. To me for him to wave the flag was wreckless, stupid and shows he isn't the brightest of chaps. I don't want him at my club as i want players who really want to play for the club not here for a wage packet, tyson won't care about the club and will be here for a wage packet.

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tbh in will have to ignore him, I detest that man and every time i look at his face i want to punch him, i will not cheer him or support him in any way, he for me as well as being an odious individual is a second rate championship footballer with pace and little quality. If he is the quality we are after then we will be stuffed.

Don't call yourself a supporter then. A fan maybe, but not a supporter.

I really can't stand those with your attitude. You sound like one of the many trollops that whinge, moan and boo instead of daring to get behind your team.

Savage won the fans around and so will Tyson. I think he could be a very astute signing by Clough and I back his judgement 100%.

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based on the evidence we are signing a 30 year old who wasn't deemed good enough for a team that scraped into the playoffs, astute no, unimaginative yes. He has played well against us however it seems he only plays well against us, I am a supporter i am not going to boo him but i don't like him and i don't think he is any good. Also it is your type by backing the judgement 100% which will mean even if we have another crap season then he will still be in charge

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based on the evidence we are signing a 30 year old who wasn't deemed good enough for a team that scraped into the playoffs, astute no, unimaginative yes. He has played well against us however it seems he only plays well against us, I am a supporter i am not going to boo him but i don't like him and i don't think he is any good. Also it is your type by backing the judgement 100% which will mean even if we have another crap season then he will still be in charge

so you wont cheer or support him but at same time you wont boo him ? your really sitting on the fence on that one.

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