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best freebie ever


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Best value for money in the Jim Smith side?

It's a close call between Biaano, Eranio and Wanchope.

We knew we were getting a world class player when we signed Eranio but what a surprise Wanchope was. The clowns on MOTD said he didn't know what he was doing but his running off the ball was superb, he must have been a nightmare to mark.

Come to think of it I can't remember Stimac and Ace costing that much either.

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What about the only player to play in every game of both league title seasons?

Colin Boulton.

I win:)

Close but maybe not close enough.

Don't forget Ron Webster who was the only local player in the championship teams.

OK, he didn't play in every championship game but he did play around 530 games for The Rams, compared to Boulton's 340-odd.

Webster joined DCFC straight from school, as free as you can get, apart from his meagre wages.

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Francesco Baiano - £650, 000 !

How much would a player of this calibre cost us now?

Baiano deal was £1.3m - that might include agent fees but it's what he cost (his agent told me).

For the players I've seen, Eranio wins hands down.

Ace, Stimac, etc - all great but not free transfers.

An interesting/controversial thread could be "greatest player of the last 20 years" - Hudds would could be in with a shout as he's gone from us to captaining a top 4 side - no Rams player has done that for a looooong time.

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1. Boulton

2. Eranio

3. Commons

Difficult to place the top 2, Eranio was a class act, Boulton an ever present in the side (as stated by others). Commons comes in 3rd for me but still an excellent bargain costing less than Ben Pringles transfer fee;)

Boulton was signed from Cheltenham threfore there must have been a fee involved.

There was a fee involved with Loose Lizzy as well from what I heard.

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Didn't we sign Wanchope from LA Lakers or something? I know he played basketball. Earlier in the thread someone posted about his magnificent movement off the ball, he learned that from basketball and his magnificent leaps into the air, chesting the ball down above any defenders heads then looping a shot towards goal was quite magnificent to watch.

I'm going on a bit, he wasn't free but an image of Wanchope sticks in my mind. We were playing Manure, already 2 - 0 up when wanchope receives the ball just outside the 18 yard box to the left of goal. He jinks down the line, then jinks back inside confusing the defender (pallister?) then whips a ball towards goal. The shot looked to be way to high but it literally curled downwards and had he been 2 yards further out would of been one of the greatest goals at Pride Park, ever! Loved Wanchope, hated it when he went to West Ham and then came back and scored against us. Still a legend for me.

As for freebies, ahem, Eranio. Sheer class. Rowett was also a good player.

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