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Stephen Bywater's "art"


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A GRAFFITI-DAUBED toilet block and horse box, which Derby County goalkeeper Stephen Bywater has erected in his garden in the name of art, has been lambasted as an eyesore by neighbours.

Mr Bywater says the installation, which until recently had a blow-up doll and rubber genitalia attached, is his “masterpiece’’.

Derbyshire police admitted they had been called to Mr Bywater’s village following a dispute between neighbours and were hoping to help bring the situation to an amicable solution.

Officers had also demanded the removal of the blow-up doll. The graffiti includes the words love and “pieceâ€.

Last night, a statement from Derby County said the club “completely disassociates itself with this type of behaviour†and said it was “dealing with the matter internallyâ€.

Mr Bywater’s next-door neighbour said the dispute started last December when Mr Bywater put the items in the garden of the Derbyshire home he shares with wife Zoe.

“We are trying to sell the house,†said the 75-year-old, who does not wish to be named.

“It is horrible. We were away on holiday when he put it up. Our neighbours sent us pictures to show us what he had done and my wife didn’t want to come home.

“He adds to it all the time, painting extra bits and putting more things on.

“He says it is his artwork but we just want him to take it down. It is horrible to have to look at it. Children go past on the bus as well.â€

The couple said: “We are totally bewildered by his actions.â€

Another village resident, TV ghosthunter Richard Felix said: “It is an eyesore and you can’t miss it if you drive through the village.â€

Mr Bywater said the installation, which includes a set of wind chimes, was not part of a dispute.

He said: “Lots of people have a hobby and my current hobby is art.

“We spoke to the neighbours at their request on Thursday, September 16, and they told us that as far as they are concerned it can stay, and I quote, ‘we are not that bothered’.

“She advised me to use a dictionary next time.â€

In a statement, the club said: “The club was made aware of the issue through a third party and has been in dialogue with Stephen about it and the perceptions that may arise from it.

“We have also been in contact with his neighbours regarding his actions.

“Derby County does not condone and completely disassociates itself with this type of behaviour.

“This is not the type of conduct we expect from one of our employees.â€


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Statement issued on behalf of Stephen Bywater

This morning (Wednesday 23rd September 2010) an article was published in the Derby Telegraph detailing certain items that I have put in my garden over the last few weeks and days.

Although I consider this a private issue I would like to apologise to any supporters and local residents in Derbyshire who have been offended.

It was and is still my view that my actions were made as a private citizen and in no way linked to Derby County Football Club.

However, now it has been brought into the public domain, I acknowledge that this does not reflect well on me as a professional or the Club in general.

I am one of the Club's longest serving players and therefore I, better than anyone, appreciate the responsibilities that come with representing Derby County, both on and off the pitch.

Although I'm disappointed this private matter has become a public issue I have now taken action to remove from view the items which have caused offence to local residents and I apologide again if my actions have in anyway damaged my reputation or the reputation of the Club.

Stephen Bywater


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i think it's a good piece of art, it's his garden and he can do what the hell he likes within the law, If i was him i would tell them where to go. I would also buy out the man who wants to sell so he would get off my back, i like bywater and i think the club should come out and support him not lambast him for expressing what he likes.

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if i lived on the street im afraid it would have gone up in a puff of smoke,

you have to learn to respect where you live , to be honest its a eyesore ,imagine if you were trying to sell a property on that street and the would be buyers saw it??

why does he not rent a field out in the sticks somewhere and then he can amuse himself all day long.

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Ever since his infamous appearance on Goals On Sunday I have thought this bloke was a "special needs" case, this confirms it.

I think he's distinctly average as a goalkeeper and I would be happy to see the back of him, our financial position will probably see him staying for the forseeable no doubt.

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The way he runs out his box to take a quick throw in etc, shows he's very impulsive. You don't do this if you are a pro footballer, only he knows what he was thinking.

But, the man next door has obviously said or done something to upset him, but isn't saying anything.

There are other ways to get one back on your neighbour. Ask Daveo.

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He don't live in Chadd Boycie - he's far to common for Chadd :D Sutton -on-the -Hill he lives.

Bywater lives in Sutton-on-the-hill, eight miles from Derby. The town has a population of one hundred and twenty five people, has no shops, no post office, no pub and no regular bus service. It’s a ghost town basically. Nothing wrong with that, it’s just unusual for a millionaire footballer to live in the middle of nowhere.

I'm sure he will thank the fella responsible for letting that out.


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