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Bradford v Derby Match Thread


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8 hours ago, angieram said:

Isn't this the game where the beam back failed? We waited until half time and then came home.

I remember they did one for a Coventry game where we all sat and stared at the corner flag for about half an hour before realising it wasn't actually going to change. That said, it was one of the games where we shipped six (I think we did it twice in a row) and Stern John (now there's a swear word auto-correct just begging to be taken) scored at least two.

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It's a bit ironic that the original beam back game produced no pictures with just commentary and last night we had the picture but no commentary. Plus badly synced crowd noise. Good game all the same. I thought there was some tasty challenges that went in too that had the game been played now then it could have ended eight a-side. Fair play to the Bradford crowd too, I thought they were quite vociferous.

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