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Should be made illegal, if its not the Postal workers it's British Airways, if it's not British Airways it the Rail staff, who next the fire service again?. Do you see the soldiers out in Afghanistan going on strike over pay and working conditions? no you don't.

You know how much the job pays when you accept the job offer.

You know what the job you are paid to do is when you accept the job offer.

If you think you should be paid more, ask for a pay rise, if they say no, quit or look for another job.

If they are demanding to much from you, quit.

Man up, or woman up if your female. Feckin strikes my arse.

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not at all.people slagged the postal staff for striking but didnt have a clue what the strike was about.you soon will though when you get your saturday post at 2pm.On the face of it i disagree with what BA are striking about but we dont know the details.The media portrays strikers as greedy.In truth it isnt always greed.

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Some people will never understand strikers, just look what happened when the Miners striked? They said if Thatcher got her way she'd close the whole industry down. 3 pits left? Now we import coal.

Walk away from a job that you agreed a contract to do a certain way for an agreed amount. It's breach of contract.

Are you with me Brothers and Sisters?

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power to the people!

trouble is too many university graduates taking up managerial roles in large companies before they have even got to understand such industries and how they work,

they show a complete lack of understanding to the people at grass roots levels

they think of an idea on how to save a few$$ for the company without ever thinking what the cost to the workforce will be .

no wonder the post office etc strike , if these number pushers actually spent 6 months or so posting/ sorting letters in all kinds of weather conditions that they have to work in then they might just stop some of thier ludicrous suggestions

change is good , just so long as thought goes into it 1st!

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Im with Dave on this...

When the Firefighters striked there was still around 25 people for every one job opening, if it wasn't for the time scale of trainign, then they could all have been sacked and replaced instantly by people more than happy with the pay and conditions being offered...

as it happens they did the strike and were covered by members of the armed forces that had one week training, and were paid massively less then the firefighters they covered for!! The Armed Forces don't strike, they can't strike... it is illegal, and they will be court marshalled and then some.

Postal strikes, Firefighter Strikes, Dustbin Strikes, BA Strikes... who do they really threaten? the employers?? not really - it's the public, the innocent customer that just wants to live their lives and get on that get disrupted by the childish employee's that can't be bothered to deal with situations like an adult so have a sulk and refuse to do the job they're paid for.

As for "people slagged the postal staff for striking but didnt have a clue what the strike was about.you soon will though when you get your saturday post at 2pm" I'd rather get my saturday post at 2pm then go ages without getting mail at all, and not knowing whether my letters will even get through because they are lost in the backlog... selfish?? maybe... but i paid to have my letter delivered, i think its only fair the contract be honoured.

You don't see bar staff striking and they get more abuse and are more overworked/underpaid/under-appreciated then pretty much any workforce in the UK.

You don't see forum Admin's striking, and they get abused constantly...

get over it and get back to work

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every ones entitled to thier opinions,

but if we didnt have people with a bit of backbone then we,d get walked over all the time!

just look at what the notts miners did?

formed a union called u d m remember because they didnt have the rollox to fight for what they were associated to ,the n u m.

im sure if people would not have scabbed then arthur scargill would have steered the mining situation in a different course than what it is in now

whats happened to the u d m? (under direct management)

it went down the pan with all the gutless wonders that joined it:mad:

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I'm with Trig on this one. Strikes are usually the consequence of when companies are very badly run and rash decisions are made. British Airways are a badly run company.

If silly decisions are made by top-down bureaucracy and management then it is the only option. The workers can't be completely disenfranchised.

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Why is British Airways such a badly run company?

Because they won't pay the cabin crew an extra pound an hour, or what ever they are striking for?

We've got 18/19 year old kids out in Afghanistan putting their lifes at risk every minute of every day by just being out there. They get paid a little over a grand a month, they are fed food rations that are designed for a cold war, they don't have enough equipment or the equipment they do have is so outdated, even the Tristar planes that take the soldiers out there are 30 years old, they need regular maintence just to keep them in the air.

These kids are getting injured and dying out there every day, so I'm sorry that when a trolly dolly wants an extra pound an hour so she can buy more make up but I don't give a *****, find another job. I'm sorry that postmen have to post more letters in less hours but I don't give a *****, quit if you don't like it.

Its not a dig at Dangerous either, just pisses me off the way this country is now. Trip over on the pavement and they want to sue the council for 5 grand, not happy in your job so you go on strike, strikes trigger strikes. We had the Postal service before Christmas, British Airways a couple months after Christmas, Rail works now a week later, I'd put money on another company going on strike within the next two months.

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a union is put in place to look after its members

with the care free attitude of some managers trying to squeeze the life out of its employees its no wonder that people have to defend what they feel is just.

managers are trained to maximise pressure on employees to reach stupid targets to make share holders happy, this is where health and safety gets breeched

they put pressure on individuals to secumb to thier needs by thier ways of persuasion ie if you dont do as i ask im sure thiers someone out there on the dole that will, and especially with the woman , they mention how will you pay your mortgage if you dont do as i tell you.

unions are ther for everyone to use if you feel it suits you ,they are there to stop the harassment and the bulling and the illegal situations that employees sometimes find themselves being bullied into.

striking is a last resort that NOBODY actually wants, its the only way sometimes to give employees what they ACTUALLY DESERVE:mad:

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So British Airways decide to cut back on staff on flights out of Heathrow, do you think thats a valid reason for the cabin crew to go on strike?

There has been a recession, hundreds of companies across the UK have had to make cutbacks just to break even, yet these trolly dollys think it's unfair because they will have to serve twice as many passengers drinks on the flight.

Now the Rail Network are following suit because they are having to cut jobs. A mate of mine got made redundant the other day, told he could leave that day if he wishes and he's got to return his work computer etc. did the rest of the staff go on strike? no I bet they got there heads down and worked twice has hard so the company would keep them.

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So British Airways decide to cut back on staff on flights out of Heathrow, do you think thats a valid reason for the cabin crew to go on strike?

if you dont have the numbers to do your job in a SAFE and CORRECT manner then yes take it to the union.

peoples lives mean more than happy share holders dave

sorry m8 but some people need to wake up and smell the real world!

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Have you ever been on a long haul flight? half the time they are sat on there arses, your telling me that losing 1 or 2 staff from each flight will but there life in danger? sorry but what *****.

People do need to wake up and smell the coffee Trig I agree, these cabin crew are the best paid out there, do you know what they get paid more than a 18 year kid that is expected to put his life in danger by fighting the Taliban every day.

These kids are working and living in disgraceful conditions, do you see them complaining? nope. So yes people do need to wake up and smell the coffee, the trolly dollys that are serving the stuff on planes for a start.

Companies have to make cut backs to make a profit, it's buisness at the end of the day. If I couldn't afford to pay the staff in or shop I would have to get rid of one and ask the others to work harder, if they didn't like it I'm sorry but bye bye I'l find someone else.

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Companies have to make cut backs to make a profit, it's buisness at the end of the day. If I couldn't afford to pay the staff in or shop I would have to get rid of one and ask the others to work harder, if they didn't like it I'm sorry but bye bye I'l find someone else.

your attitude typifies why england is going to the dogs !

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What am I meant to do? move back to a shared house, shop at Aldi, get rid of the Virgin box, get rid of the internet, sell the bed and get a smaller second hand one?

Theres a recession taking place, people are spending less money, companies have to make cutbacks,our business rates are going up, electric and water bills are going up, businesses are not run for the fun of it. During the winter months we do make small cutbacks as the shop is quiet due to the weather, we won't order a pizza in we'l buy one from Tesco for a quid, we won't buy new clothes because theres a sale on, we limited the amount of money we spent at Christmas all because we wasn't taking enough money. All that time we paid the staff the same amount even tho they wasn't working as much as they do in the summer.

If things got that bad then yes we would have to get rid of staff otherwise we'd be better of working down the local fish factory.

In Grimsby everywhere is taking massive cuts, half of my mates have had to find new jobs in the last year yet not one of those companies have gone on strike.

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we would be no where as workers today without the fights the unions have had over the years for real issues like sick pay overtime etc:D.....but they take it to far these days, yes conditions pay bonus etc are known about......do the frickin job your paid for......:mad:.

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do you know the full implications as to why the staff at british airways are going on strike?

or do you just summise that its for more money?

people hear of workers going on strike and automatically think they are after more money,

not always the case my friend , unions fight to give the workers RIGHTS!

the right to earn a FAIR days wage for a FAIR days work ,

with corporate greed ,laws that people over the years have fought long and hard for, get put to one side side whilst the companies line thier pockets at the expense of the working class.

the working class are not thier to be walked on like dirty mats anymore, gone are the days when you used to have to tip your hat to the lord and lady of the manor daveyboy

this is 2010 not 1800,s

everybody has the right to be protected in one way or another at work when all said and done, people are people and they matter alot more than a few $ signs.

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