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one love Manchester


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Just posted this on Facebook.  I don't normally post much, and certainly don't normally get involved in stuff like this on Facebook (normally save it for on here), but I felt the need to do this, especially after reading the attached link.

It's vaguely related to the concert, so I'm parking it here.



"Good read this. This is exactly what I thought. What is Isis hoping to achieve by bombing kids and stabbing random people. What does it achieve. As brits we're very proud of declaring how it doesn't phase us, bring it on. So if you were a terrorist what would your aim be. 

This journalist makes a great point. The terrorists attack Paris, and their one demand is that we stop bombing Syria. So what do we do? We don't negotiate with terrorists, we bomb it Syria more. Of course we do, that's a completely predictable response. If the terrorists said 'don't give us a billion pounds,' we'd probably hand deliver the brief case. 

The one love concert had a really good message of standing strong together, but we didn't see any Muslim representation anywhere near it. That's not standing together, that's still dividing us. Isis aren't trying to divide white man from white man (if that was their aim, they're not succeeding, as the concert showed, but it's not their aim). They are trying to drive a wedge between non-Muslims and Muslims. We forget that Muslims are citizens in the U.K. too. When we punish an innocent Muslim for something a terrorist has done, we drive them further into the arms of Isis. We do Isis's job for them. 

It's sounds corny, but the best way to fight fear is with hope, the best way to fight hate is with love. This was the message of the concert last night, but it missed the point slightly. Nearly, but not quite. It's easy to love the people that look and think like you, that's not the problem here. It's a lot harder to love the people that look and think differently to us. But that's what we need to be doing. That's the only way the terrorists lose."


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17 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

Just posted this on Facebook.  I don't normally post much, and certainly don't normally get involved in stuff like this on Facebook (normally save it for on here), but I felt the need to do this, especially after reading the attached link.

It's vaguely related to the concert, so I'm parking it here.



"Good read this. This is exactly what I thought. What is Isis hoping to achieve by bombing kids and stabbing random people. What does it achieve. As brits we're very proud of declaring how it doesn't phase us, bring it on. So if you were a terrorist what would your aim be. 

This journalist makes a great point. The terrorists attack Paris, and their one demand is that we stop bombing Syria. So what do we do? We don't negotiate with terrorists, we bomb it Syria more. Of course we do, that's a completely predictable response. If the terrorists said 'don't give us a billion pounds,' we'd probably hand deliver the brief case. 

The one love concert had a really good message of standing strong together, but we didn't see any Muslim representation anywhere near it. That's not standing together, that's still dividing us. Isis aren't trying to divide white man from white man (if that was their aim, they're not succeeding, as the concert showed, but it's not their aim). They are trying to drive a wedge between non-Muslims and Muslims. We forget that Muslims are citizens in the U.K. too. When we punish an innocent Muslim for something a terrorist has done, we drive them further into the arms of Isis. We do Isis's job for them. 

It's sounds corny, but the best way to fight fear is with hope, the best way to fight hate is with love. This was the message of the concert last night, but it missed the point slightly. Nearly, but not quite. It's easy to love the people that look and think like you, that's not the problem here. It's a lot harder to love the people that look and think differently to us. But that's what we need to be doing. That's the only way the terrorists lose."


That's exactly what I thought watching it.  I didn't see a single middle eastern, Pakistani or Indian face in the crowd.  But saying that, what proportion of the crowd at the original concert were middle eastern???  I'm guessing not many.  Maybe they just don't like Grande's music...  

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2 hours ago, ramsbottom said:

That's exactly what I thought watching it.  I didn't see a single middle eastern, Pakistani or Indian face in the crowd.  But saying that, what proportion of the crowd at the original concert were middle eastern???  I'm guessing not many.  Maybe they just don't like Grande's music...  

That's true, and it would've massive tokenism just to wheel on the token Muslim band that no one knew or could get into. So I'm not sure how they could've tastefully done it. 

Más an addendum to my rant, i actually spent the weekend with a Somali Muslim lady, a Kurdish lady, a Syrian refugee, a lady from Manchester and a Jamaican lady. They all just happened to be the 5 attendees on a course I was teaching. 

It was an incredibly enlightening weekend. I would highly recommend everyone to just go out and find an excuse to chat to a Muslim. 

The Somali lady was the life and soul, really good fun, despite not having had anything to eat since 2:30am. But still stopped to pray at the appropriate times. I actually admired her devotion to her religion, and it made me realise how lazy and apathetic I am. Always promise myself I'll go to church at Christmas, but then can't be arsed, to even just go once a year. Yet there she is, praying 3 times a day. 

The Syrian man was from a town that borders Iraq (now Isis territory). He is incredibly highly educated. A lecturer back home who owned labratories and a holiday villa on the Mediterranean coast. He has 6 kids, all doctors. 

Talk about keep calm and carry on. He's about to get evicted from his house. Was living in a hotel recently, and when he first got here he had a 3 year contract at a university, but lost it as soon as he applied for asylum status. But he's plodding on. Imagine if that had happened to any of us. I'd be suicidal.

The Kurdish lady is a microbiologist. 

They were laughing about how easy education is here. How they'd go home with piles of home work back home, but here their kids get nothing, and they actually feel their kids here are getting a worse education than they would be getting at home. At home 80% of people go to university, and you have to earn it and pass exams to get in.

And they were all lovely (except the Syrian man did barge through when I was holding a door open for some ladies coming the other way, that was my first impression of him, so it was good to get past that). 

I was shocked. All you really see in media is how they're all barbarians, pirates and terrorists. In fact they come here and what must they think about a lifeless country full of moaners and shirkers and skivers compared to the life they've come from.

Having said that, they all massively value the human rights you get here, and the lack of corruption. And we must be doing something right, cos our country is in a far better state to theirs. 

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I'm not sure that 'Love me harder' would have gone down great with the muslim extremists.

their wives might have liked it though.

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All this "stand together" "love will win" etc is all well and good and I totally support it.....until it's YOUR sister, brother, mother, father, child, best friend that is innocently murdered.... then I know that my feelings would be totally changed on what to do.!

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1 hour ago, MuespachRam said:

All this "stand together" "love will win" etc is all well and good and I totally support it.....until it's YOUR sister, brother, mother, father, child, best friend that is innocently murdered.... then I know that my feelings would be totally changed on what to do.!

What would they change to? Grab the nearest Muslim and beat the crap out of him? Run off to Syria to find some less innocent Muslims to beat the crap out of?of course you'd be enraged, but there wouldn't really be anywhere sensible for you to put that rage. 

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2 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

What would they change to? Grab the nearest Muslim and beat the crap out of him? Run off to Syria to find some less innocent Muslims to beat the crap out of?of course you'd be enraged, but there wouldn't really be anywhere sensible for you to put that rage. 

If it happened to me then yes I would want some sort of revenge.

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