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Can you be asked to get into work 15 minutes before you're due to start - for a 'briefing' and not be paid for it - then be told to go out on and work, before the 15 minutes is up?

Asking for a friend....

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In my job we work 8 hour shifts from 14.30 - 22.30 and then we are expected to restart the next shift at 7.00 - 15.00. Sometimes we do the sleep in duty. We do that 3 times in a row.

We also don't have breaks.

If all of us expressed out right to having our 15 minute break and 11 hours between shifts, well, I don't know what would happen, but the care system would be even more on it's arse than it already is.


Oh, we are also expected to come in on our days off for team meetings regardless if we are parents or not. If not, tough ****, reprimand.

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I do 6-2,10-6(nights) and 2-10 alternate weeks. I have to be there 10 minutes before for brief. But we finish any work ten minutes before end of shift. We still clock out on the dot though. Got no problem with it myself.

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So, being told to get to work 15 minutes before the shift starts - for a brief - then a 5 minute brief - then off you go ...

oh and getting bollocked for being 'late' when you're actually not...

I'm obviously in a pedantic mood tonight lol. 

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Not bothered about the being there 15 minutes beforehand - or even getting bollocked for it if we're late - but I don't think we should be made to work during it.

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Being there 15mins before your shift is standard practice isn't it?

Been a few years since I worked but it was the norm to do that so you were on site and prepared to start your shift in case there was any hand over or paperwork etc that you needed to do beforehand.

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Yes but to be told you have to be and bollocked if you're not? 

Is it standard practice?

I'm obviously out the loop here - It's not me but my 17 year old daughter and I just feel she's getting a lot of ***** when she doesn't have to.


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Do they get paid by the hour? Pretty sure if they're paid by the hour they don't have to do anything outside of the hours they're being paid, unless the contract says otherwise anyroad. So if you're not paid for your break go to the pub. What can they do?

Also, does their contract say what their start time is?

I've worked jobs where I'm asked to come in early on my own time for a handover. I never do. Even if I'm there early I'd rather sit in the car park.

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5 minutes ago, MrsRam said:

She gets paid by the hour, not the first 15 minutes of the shift. 

I'd double check her contract to see what the start time is. If it says it's an 8 O'clock start for example then surely it's there in black and white. Don't quote me on it but if it's anything like my experiences I think she's getting taken for a ride by people who should know better.

Is it a care job by the way? There's so much attempted emotional blackmail in that line of work. You've got to be a bit blunt with them sometimes or they'll take advantage. 

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No it's not a care job - i've been there and done that and won't let my kids go there. It's a part time job and she got upset today when she asked about it and got a bit of stick for it.  I'm proud of her for sticking up for herself but feel **** when she comes home crying. 

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Just now, MrsRam said:

No it's not a care job - i've been there and done that and won't let my kids go there. It's a part time job and she got upset today when she asked about it and got a bit of stick for it.  I'm proud of her for sticking up for herself but feel **** when she comes home crying. 

Well fair play to her for having the courage to stick up for herself at that age. A lot of younguns wouldn't dare and would just crumble under pressure. I'm no legal eagle so don't want to make out I am and say anything that could get her in trouble. Citizens advice could probably clarify her position for her. 

- Just seen she's 17 so wouldn't be able to do care anyway. Thats just reminded me of someone I knew who worked in a kitchen at a nursing home. She disclosed her age as 16 or 17 so they were aware, but they overlooked it and paid her minimum wage for those aged 22 rather than the reduced rate for youngsters. When they realised their mistake they 'made her' work for free until she'd paid off what she 'owed them'. There's people out there who'll really try it on with young people.

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No it's not right.  They don't treat any of them right tbf.  I just thought i'd ask you lot - always full of opinions n stuff.  As long as she's in the right - she'll be ok. 

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Say you're working from 10.00 to 12.00. If the boss wants a 15 minute briefing, that goes from 10.00 to 10.15 and then you commence work or as soon as the briefing is over.

You get there a few minutes before the briefing at say 9.45 to be respectful and conscientious, but you enter the briefing at 10.00.


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