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2 hours ago, Phoenix said:

If Leeds city centre came within centimetres of flooding in 2000 and had numerous near misses, shouldn't something have been done then? Cameron wasn't PM in 2000.

Well exactly, both of these parties promise the earth and fail miserably, let's keep on voting for this ****.

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1 hour ago, StivePesley said:

The Derwent in town is high this morning - the underpass by the Bridge Inn at Chester Green is flooded and the Silk Mll is only a couple of feet away from flooding. The big weir in the River Gardens has all but disappeared

I work right next to that. Which underpass? The one that leads up behind the Dolphin or the one for buses? (on either side of the river)

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Sorry - I meant the cycle path underpass, not the road. The one between the two road underpasses that you mention

It goes under the bridge which has the Bridge Inn on one side and the Bridge Chapel on the other, it comes out at the back of the Silk Mill museum and runs parallel to the road underpass that goes up to the Dolphin. It's a wooden boardwalk under that bridge and then a concrete path under the ring road. The wooden bit was under about 2 foot of water

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