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Immigration check can lead to racism, really?


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Labour has accused the government of planning legislation that could cause "everyday racism" and "widespread discrimination" in the housing market. 

The Immigration Bill will make it a criminal offence to rent accommodation to illegal immigrants.

But shadow home secretary Andy Burnham told the Independent on Sunday it could cause problems for "anyone with a foreign-sounding name". 

The Home Office said checks had to be made "on a non-discriminatory basis".

The bill, which returns to the House of Commons on Tuesday, includes the Right to Rent scheme. 

This would see landlords required to carry out checks on prospective tenants, such as seeing their passport or visa, to ascertain their immigration status.

Failing to do so would be a criminal offence leading to a fine or a jail sentence.


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Its just sensationalism again - i rent a property out, any new tenants are credit checked by my agent - job done - a credit check checks people are who they say they are, not just their credit history.



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Andy Burnham. A career politician who will say pretty much anything you like if there is a vote in it. 

Unfortunately far too many on all sides nowadays... Straight from graduating and into advisory roles etc

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Its just sensationalism again - i rent a property out, any new tenants are credit checked by my agent - job done - a credit check checks people are who they say they are, not just their credit history.



and how does that check whether they have a right to stay in this country and if so for how long? A very high proportion of people renting in London will have "foreign" sounding names... The consequences of getting it wrong can be very severe indeed ... Jail for an innocent landlord. I'm not sure that the Tory policy is a good one, as it deters people from investing in rental investments altogether... That together with removing some of the tax breaks which they have also done. Who would take the risk? Leave alone all the other risks like another credit crunch. As for racist well that sounds like muckraking as usual , burnham is a big opportunist. 

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EU states have backed an action plan with Turkey, which it is hoped will ease the flow of migrants to Europe...

so it's going to cost us 3bn euros and accelerate visa liberalisation for Turks wanting to visit the EU's borderless Schengen area, so now we will be trying to stop 74m turks not the 22m Syrians entering the UK, I love the logic...and its going to cost £2.2bn :D

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The more Turkish people we let in the more competition for kebab shops, more competition = raising the standards of kebabs.

This is great news!

ah that formula, me liking this, so...

>UK Builder £150 per day or

>Polish Builder £1.50 per day

>UK Turkish National doner kebab with chilli sauce and salad £5.00 or

>New Turkish National with chilli sauce and salad £2.50

its economics really...thanks Daveo for persuading me :D

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