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Looks like a false black widow.

Looks nothing like one! Too big and its abdomen not the same shape.

Male house spider - longer legs and smallish abdomen. Its this time of year the males start running around looking for a female. Females don't tend to move as much from their webs.

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That's a big spider. Luckily we don't have as big here in north.

There was something about spiders on the Daily Express website yesterday. I think it was to something do with giant Eastern European Muslim AIDS-carrying spiders on benefits coming over here eating our flies.


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There was something about spiders on the Daily Express website yesterday. I think it was to something do with giant Eastern European Muslim AIDS-carrying spiders on benefits coming over here eating our flies.


Sounds lovely. No more flies. :thumbsup:

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There was something about spiders on the Daily Express website yesterday. I think it was to something do with giant Eastern European Muslim AIDS-carrying spiders on benefits coming over here eating our flies.


IS (islamic spider) they're all being rrecruited on the web

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Roll a newspaper up and whack it, stamp on it, poor bleach over it, hoover it up, so many options we have to take a spiders life and the poor thing has no defence. 

If we were down under or America I could understand, spiders over here are right fannys

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It is, it's their legs. That and their sly ways, stopping and starting when they think you're not looking then invading my space. 

Fook off back to your dark corner! Do not come ambling round the door crawling right towards me. You have the creepy scare factor, I have my hairy bikers cookbook and I will drop it on you from height, with speed and force.

You have been warned!

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