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Oh my, I'm getting hammered


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I have bet 1000 Euros that I will lose some weight. I have eleven weeks to lose 20 pounds. I took the bet to get me and my dad to Derby next April. I'm now drinking my last beers at home and next Monday I'll visit my local pub for the last time for a while. I'm gonna miss this.. :pinch:

How's it going?

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Could be better. Still 16 pounds to go.

2 words for you my lovely, 

Slimming World.

Who says you can't have carbs? Who says you need to exercise till you drop? Who says you can't have beer? 

Wrong on all counts. A lady I know has dropped 6 stone in 6 months and she drinks every weekend. Granted she's dropped the pints and switched to vodka and coke but she can still get ratted! 

Let us know how it goes hun xx



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The fact is I need to start moving and eating healthier. Instead of traveling to Derby this September I will have two weeks of disgusting living healthy vacation for two weeks. This will be done so I can pay for me and my dad to visit there in April.

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I'm holidaying in Cyprus in two weeks and need to drop a few pounds so last week I - 

- Cut out bread and anything manufactured with a lot of carbs so no pasta, chips or crisps.

- Had n beer or soft drinks (even diet stuff, the carbonates mess up digestion) and stuck to lots of water

- Had no processed cooked meats

- Had no cereals

- Had homemade smoothies with skimmed milk for breakfasts

- Made salads for lunch

- Had stuff with a lot of protein and veg for tea (steak & new potatoes with salad, veg chilli etc)

- Made sure I walked the long way round to work (just over two miles)

Weighed myself Monday morning, I'd lost 9lbs!  You can exercise more if you want, I'm stepping it up next week by jogging if my bad back continues to clear up.

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My weight loss has stalled having lost a stone quite quickly - which is exactly what normally happens with me. I'm sticking with it though, this time and have 6 weeks left to lose the other 6 pounds before we go to Florida, so should be OK.


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