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Film Downloads


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Anyone know what the modern day equivalent of limewire/ frost wire / kazzaa etc is for anyone wanting to obtain good quality films without entering virus city on their hard drive 

Get a decent anti-virus and/or a Mac

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I don't download films eddie and just use AVG Free. Should i be paying for a better anti-virus for normal use?

Avast or AVG is good enough - and as you say, it's free. You need to tailor it because the pop-ups are a bit annoying, but you can fix it so they only appear for 2 seconds. Most of the time it's common sense - no clicky linky and that sort of thing, don't download executables and stuff like that.

I have one Windows machine and everything else is a Mac. The Windows machine only ever really gets used for work, and  a few trusted (https) sites.

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I'd love a mac but can't afford one atm

At the end of the day, install Avast (or similar), and don't do anything silly.

You'll be fine.

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At the end of the day, install Avast (or similar), and don't do anything silly.

You'll be fine.

iI pay for avg s should be OK its just all the torrent viewers I've looked at the anti virus deems them to be harmful to the computer so can't install them

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iI pay for avg s should be OK its just all the torrent viewers I've looked at the anti virus deems them to be harmful to the computer so can't install them

The anti-virus software basically flags the site as suspicious - and I can't say I blame them. I won't use a torrent full stop. I'd rather pay a tenner a month to use a trusted site (e.g. Sky Movies, Netflix etc).

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So, why do some of you think the people who created these films shouldn't receive payment for their work? Well done Taylor Swift today for forcing Apple to back down over free music streaming and not planning to pay the artists. As she wrote in her open letter to Apple, "We don’t ask you for free iPhones. Please don’t ask us to provide you with our music for no compensation." http://www.itv.com/news/2015-06-21/taylor-swift-attacks-apple-for-giving-away-free-music/

As someone who relies on royalties from sales to make a living, I find it weird that so many people apparently think it's fine to enjoy without paying.

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can i just expand on free anti-virus/security suites that are free, they tend to fill your computer with bloatware, they frequently ask you to run a free scan which happens to be when your computer is running slow and then charge you to remove the content they sent, there is no money in free !!

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Really won't the police be looking for you ?

The police would only give a toss if you decided to burn them onto DVDs and sell them on.

The government spent 2 years and god knows how many millions working with the 5 major internet service providers in the UK to tackle the threat and do you know what they came up with?  If you're caught downloading illegal content you will....................................................................................................... receive a letter from your service provider explaining that what you're doing isn't allowed, and you should stop it.  That's it, not even a second, more stern warning, not another mention of it ever again!

I don't take the p155 too much as I still pay for a lot of my music, go to see plenty of films at the cinema, rent occasionally on Sky Store and buy the odd film off iTunes.  But considering the UK has been royally shafted for years on the price of VHS, CD, DVD and Blu ray I think it's only fair to save a spot of cash where you can.

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