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Signed: Tom Ince


Tom Ince prediction   

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Tough choice - relegation battle with Newcastle, a shambolic club, with the most negative fans in the world that may easily have changed manager again by January, struggling to perform up against Prem quality defenders, so in other words a return to the situation he was in at Hull


Come to Derby and score for fun in front of a crowd that already loves him, at a properly run club

When you put it like that, it's no choiuce at all unless you are driven by money and status.

Which of course footballers never are...oh

It wouldn't be the same as Hull at all. He would fit the system for starters and has a manager that loves him. Newcastle is a wonderful opportunity for Tom. He can make himself a star.

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​Blimey - why don't you just drive him to Newcastle yourself!! :)

I always say what I think is best for the player. A great year at Newcastle and he'll be in the England team. Too good an opportunity to turn down.

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Mclaren will get Newcastle playing 433 like he did here and if he is interested in Ince he would of told him that he'll be playing rw again.... in the prem.


Wouldn't blame Tom if that's where he ends up

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Wouldn't begrudge him going to Newcastle if that's what he wants. 

Steve McClaren on the other hand. He hasn't come out of this very well, and this will make it worse. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. 

Can't blame mclaren either newcastle are bigger than us and if he thinks Ince is good enough fair play

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Wouldn't begrudge him going to Newcastle if that's what he wants. 

Steve McClaren on the other hand. He hasn't come out of this very well, and this will make it worse. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. 

You're making it sound like McClaren is signing Ince purely out of spite. If he thinks he's good enough, why wouldn't he try and sign him?

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Can't blame mclaren either newcastle are bigger than us and if he thinks Ince is good enough fair play

I can. He's got more respect for John Carvers hurt feelings than he has for Derby County. When John Carvers feelings should be Mike Ashley's problem anyway.

Too much is not known to us, so we're left to read between the lines. But if McClaren has engineered a move to Newcastle but then as a direct consequence lost the dressing room which resulted in a failed season, then gets a personal promotion while we get left behind, and then the first thing he does in his new job is to scupper the chance of the team he failed from making a star signing - yeah I'll stand in judgement of that.

Like I said just because you can doesn't mean you should. During the 13-14 season Steve McClaren talked about the players becoming legends in the eyes of the local people if they got promotion. Don't think too many people will be talking about him as a local legend now.  He can sign Tom Ince if he wants, but you'd think a man who keeps talking about respect might think twice. 

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You're making it sound like McClaren is signing Ince purely out of spite. If he thinks he's good enough, why wouldn't he try and sign him?

No I'm not. Maybe you're projecting?

I've explained why in my reply to 3232. McClaren can sign Ince if he wants, but is football really that passionless these days that Derby County supporters wouldn't form a negative view of a man who convinced his players to sign when they could have gone to the Premier League to only concoct a plan to do exactly that himself 6 months later? To appear to have lost the ability to command the players to run through a brick wall for him and make recruitment/tactical errors that result in promotion not being gained? And then scupper the team he failed's chance of signing Ince?

I'm sure he's signing Ince for purely footballing reasons. Doesn't mean I've got to be blasé about it. For a good month now I've found McLarens notion of respect to be bizarre.

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Have i missed something?? is Ince off to Newcastle now?? 


be funny when he's stood holding up a Derby shirt by the end of the week!

Me too... I haven't heard anything but the faintest rumour that Newcastle might even be interested. 

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Wouldn't begrudge him going to Newcastle if that's what he wants. 

Steve McClaren on the other hand. He hasn't come out of this very well, and this will make it worse. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. 

​*takes hand out of trousers*

*sits back down at the bus stop*

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No I'm not. Maybe you're projecting?

I've explained why in my reply to 3232. McClaren can sign Ince if he wants, but is football really that passionless these days that Derby County supporters wouldn't form a negative view of a man who convinced his players to sign when they could have gone to the Premier League to only concoct a plan to do exactly that himself 6 months later? To appear to have lost the ability to command the players to run through a brick wall for him and make recruitment/tactical errors that result in promotion not being gained? And then scupper the team he failed's chance of signing Ince?

I'm sure he's signing Ince for purely footballing reasons. Doesn't mean I've got to be blasé about it. For a good month now I've found McLarens notion of respect to be bizarre.

Projecting hahaha.

The expectations placed on him throughout this season have been absolutely absurd and I'm sick of having to defend him.

The facts of the matter are 1. McClaren turned down Newcastle on at least one occasion 2. We sacked him 3. He left us in a much better position than when he joined us (ok, not a fact but I'm not sure you could find anyone who disagrees with it). Yet, people still think that he owes us something. 

There's a difference between passion and being a bitter idiot football fan.

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Why do you feel the need to insult people, why couldn't you have written There's a difference between passion and being mistaken/wrong instead of what you wrote ?

Would you speak to Stringer/anybody like that face to face ? If so I'm surprised you've got any teeth left in your trap.

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Why do you feel the need to insult people, why couldn't you have written There's a difference between passion and being mistaken/wrong instead of what you wrote ?

Would you speak to Stringer/anybody like that face to face ? If so I'm surprised you've got any teeth left in your trap.

​Because there's a big difference between what I wrote, and what you wrote. They don't convey the same point.

And I wasn't calling him an idiot, merely saying that there's a difference between the two things.

Is that how you solve your arguments? By punching people?

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1. He's been quoted as saying he always wanted to go to Newcastle. The idea it was a self-fulfilling prophecy ended the moment he said that. And how can he turn down Newcastle when he's already in a job? He was having dicussions with Newcastle was he? Oh right. No problem there then.

2. If we didn't sack him we'd have a manager who doesn't want to be here

3. He did his job (well for the most part, not well in some instances).

No there is being passionless and being a bitter idiot football fan and then there's being somewhere in-between

Steve McClaren - cracking appointment on the whole. Took the players to another level. Unlucky not to get promoted. Made some great loan signings. Made some dodgy permanent signings. Didn't make some signings he should have. Made some dodgy tactical decisions. Wanted to leave. Players didn't appear to want to run through a brick wall for him anymore. Got his wish. Perhaps wants to scupper Derbys record transfer. 

Steve McClaren - Derby County legend!


Edit - was reply to RLACML but didn't quote for some reason 


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1. He's been quoted as saying he always wanted to go to Newcastle. The idea it was a self-fulfilling prophecy ended the moment he said that. And how can he turn down Newcastle when he's already in a job? He was having dicussions with Newcastle was he? Oh right. No problem there then. - In his Newcastle press conference? What else was he going to say - 'Oh yeah, I wish I was still at Derby but Newcastle is an ok club I guess'. How is it his fault if Newcastle offer him a job? He's being blamed for other people's actions now.

2. If we didn't sack him we'd have a manager who doesn't want to be here - According to you

3. He did his job (well for the most part, not well in some instances). - Can't argue with this

No there is being passionless and being a bitter idiot football fan and then there's being somewhere in-between - I just don't see it as an issue of 'passion'. He's gone, he owes us nothing

Steve McClaren - cracking appointment on the whole. Took the players to another level. Unlucky not to get promoted. Made some great loan signings. Made some dodgy permanent signings. Didn't make some signings he should have. Made some dodgy tactical decisions. Wanted to leave. Players didn't appear to want to run through a brick wall for him anymore. Got his wish. Perhaps wants to scupper Derbys record transfer. - Perhaps wants? Not perhaps is going to, but perhaps wants? Strange way of saying it if it's only for footballing decisions.

Steve McClaren - Derby County legend!


Edit - was reply to RLACML but didn't quote for some reason 


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1. Newcastle is a big club, great fans, lots of potential. There's some good players here and I think they can achieve more etc etc.  - notice how in that I didn't say 'I always wanted to come to Newcastle'. It's actually quite easy to construct a sentence without uttering the words 'I always wanted to come to Newcastle'. I don't seem to remember him saying he always wanted to come to Derby when he came here and if this is something incoming managers must say then it's news to me.

2. According to him

4. I never said he owes us anything. Certainly not contractually. Maybe he owes us some respect - do you not think that? I would simply have an opinion about a man who convinced his own players to stay, then buggers off the first chance he gets and then....  (blah blah blah everyone's been over this before) ....and then whether by design or by accident, to rub salt in the wound,  as a parting gift he (perhaps) goes and signs Tom Ince for Newcastle when if it wasn't for his failings he could well have been signing Ince for Derby in the Premier League. 


Regarding 'perhaps'- well has Tom Ince signed for Newcastle then? What's wrong with perhaps? I have no idea if McClaren is signing Ince but we are talking about the potentiality of this happening are we not?

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