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Police officer embarrasses himself


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How believable is this amazing little story!

Not that I revel in anyone else's misfortune but I've just read a post on the Unmentionable's board which cruelly tickled my warped sense of humour but also left me aghast. Some bloke has posted about how disgusted he was with a response given by a member of the public to his nephew, who is a copper.

Apparently his nephew was on duty at an Opening of Parliament event, or similar, in central London and after absolutely ages standing on duty without being relieved, he was beyond desperate for the toilet for a wee. Eventually, he had no alternative other than to ask to be stood down, seemingly to the annoyance of senior officers, and he literally hobbled off in search of a loo. However, being unfamiliar with the area he didn't know where to go but found a small shop, went in and asked/pleaded to use the toilet - but astonishingly, the shopkeeper refused, saying he was fed up with people asking.

Guess what? Incredibly, with nowhere else obvious to go and at breaking point and unable to wait, the young officer went back outside and just uncontrollably "did it in his trousers" out in the street before he could find anywhere else!! Members of the public watched him wet himself.

His uncle has posted a furious tirade asking how anyone could be so heartless as the shopkeeper. His nephew was apparently, and unsurprisingly, left very humiliated by what happened.

I know it's not really funny and must have been awful for him but on the other hand ... is there a small sense of irony, do you think?" On the board where it was posted there's loads of "he should have just p**sed in his helmet" type of comments, which you'd expect but joking aside, in all seriousness, what on earth could he have done in such a predicament?

What a situation to be in.

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