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Wenger almost Signed Ronaldo ...


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I heard the Yakubu deal was down to the crooked nature of modern football. We weren't allowed to sign him because he wasn't playing regularly enough internationally. Portsmouth arranged a sham marriage to a European woman for him in order to get his passport.


I'll echo the Redknapp tossbag comment.

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Fabregas looks twice the player after doing his time at Barcelona, and under Mourinho will continue to become a colossus.

He improved so much at Barcelona they only kept him for 2 seasons and sold him for a reduced price... strange that

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I heard the Yakubu deal was down to the crooked nature of modern football. We weren't allowed to sign him because he wasn't playing regularly enough internationally. Portsmouth arranged a sham marriage to a European woman for him in order to get his passport.


I'll echo the Redknapp tossbag comment.

Did he get to pump her?

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He improved so much at Barcelona they only kept him for 2 seasons and sold him for a reduced price... strange that


Yes you're absolutely correct.

Playing and training day in, day out with the likes of Xavi, Iniesta, and Messi, and being coached by a past master in the same position on the pitch as he plays himself, in Guardiola, can't possibly have helped Fabregas to improve his own game.

I completely agree...he was better off at Arsenal and learning from someone like Emmanuel Eboue.

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It's only a shame Wenger "got his hands on" Fabregas and stifled his growth so much he could only secure a move to lowly Barcelona. Just think what could've been if that clown hadn't been coaching him...


Seriously, what's the point of this thread?

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I see we have plenty of pro-Arsenal types on here then...what a shame. Another victim of the Wenger myth.


If you have got any nous whatsoever, you will know that Fabregas was a Barcelona kid, and they retained first option to resign him. His ability and potential at the time, is, and was, entirely due to Barcelona...Wenger did nothing to 'secure' that deal for him. Nothing whatsoever. Arsenal was a stepping stone, and it was always in the pipeline that he would return to Catalonia.

The point of the thread was ... imagine if ... based on the interesting story that Wenger tried very hard to sign a young Ronaldo.
I merely state, that it could have changed the course of football history quite dramatically Certainly in terms of Ronaldo's career..

Yet some people get a bit silly and have a sense of humour bypass when the odd few of us criticise the favourite clubs and managers of Sky Sports News.

If you're trying to tell me Wenger would have made a much better player of Ronaldo, you haven't got a clue.


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Yes you're absolutely correct.

Playing and training day in, day out with the likes of Xavi, Iniesta, and Messi, and being coached by a past master in the same position on the pitch as he plays himself, in Guardiola, can't possibly have helped Fabregas to improve his own game.

I completely agree...he was better off at Arsenal and learning from someone like Emmanuel Eboue.


I thought you were talking about the manager not the players he played with ?

You said he was now twice the player, which I found a bit strange given that Barcelona didnt want him and sold him for a reduced price.

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I thought you were talking about the manager not the players he played with ?

You said he was now twice the player, which I found a bit strange given that Barcelona didnt want him and sold him for a reduced price.

If you can't see an improvement in Fabregas since he left Arsenal, I find it quite alarming.

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If you can't see an improvement in Fabregas since he left Arsenal, I find it quite alarming.


i dont watch him close enough to say i have, however his price tag, Chelsea were the only team in for hims, along with Spains poor performance in the WC would lead me to say that I find it quite strange that you think he is twice the player he was.


He was one hell of a player when he left these shores, I expect him to be the best player in the world if he is now twice the player, should be no problem picking up all the players awards this season, based upon this ;-)  

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