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Which area needs strengthening most


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Which area of the team needs strengthening in your view.

I would say defence. So priority after Thorne should be getting in a RB. Furthermore I'd love to see us buy a new CB to compete with Buxton and Keogh. Logic follows if we score the most in a division then defence should be priority as we've proved we can score for fun under McClaren.

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Defence without a doubt, Brian Clough always maintained that any good team is built on defence, we need a right back, central defender and a left back to cover Forsyth, midfield is not to bad but maybe Thorne, and a forward to cover for Martin.

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On the subject of strengthening the wings... Simon Dawkins' Left foot?

He has to cut inside everytime or turns round if he is forced down the line.
15 mins into the game the defender knows exactly what he is going to do.
IMO, If he can have the defenders guessing, he will make ten times the impact he made last season.

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