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Wednesday 25th June (Tonight) 9pm Forum Server Move


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You're here don't worry.


Right what happened, for whatever reason the back up database I downloaded wasn't complete and only had 3/4 of the database there. Took me a while to figure out what was going on.


After I did the server kept timing out as I imported it, contacted support, fell asleep at my desk, woke up and the forum was online.


My neck hurts, have a slight headache but we are here.


Any abuse will result in a instant ban.

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That's odd - when I type letters for posting there's a different sound now, anybody else got this?

Will I live?

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The forum has no sound files apart from the chatroom ding dong

Ah OK, just can't remember me phone sounding like this, I'm particular about me tones.

Very odd.

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Check your phone settings, have you had any recent updates?


This forum move wouldn't have altered any sounds for you


This morning my wife's been really grumpy - is this 'cos of the forum update?  Will changing my DNS fix her?

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