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The Official DCFCFans World Cup Prediction League, sponsored by Mafiabob


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1. Predictions to be entered prior to the kick off time of each match.

2. Predictions to include the following:

  • Full Time match score
  • First goalscorer

3. Points scored as follows:

  • Correct full time result (score wrong)                        : 1 point
  • Correct full time score (score correct)                      : 3 points + 1 point per goal
  • Correct first goalscorer                                             : 1 point
  • Correct full time score AND correct first goalscorer : Double the points

You may predict the first goalscorer to be an own goal (don't need to name the player - just 'OG' will do)

You may predict 'no goalscorer' if you are predicting the result to be 0-0.

Either will score 1 point if correct. 

In the event of a 0-0 prediction, there will be NO 'Doubling of points' for getting the 'correct first goalscorer' because one implies the other. 




Match 1, Thursday 12 June, KO 21:00 BST


Brazil v Croatia


Let's assume the following result : Brazil 2 Croatia 1, FGS Fred (Brazil)



If you predicted Brazil 1 Croatia 1, FGS Fred (Brazil), you would score 1 point.

If you predicted Brazil 2 Croatia 0, FGS Hulk (Brazil), you would score 1 point.

If you predicted Brazil 3 Croatia 0, FGS Fred (Brazil), you would score 2 points (1 for the correct result, 1 for the correct FGS).

If you predicted Brazil 2 Croatia 1, FGS Hulk (Brazil), you would score 6 points (3 for the correct score plus 1 for each goal).

If you predicted Brazil 2 Croatia 1, FGS Fred (Brazil), you would score 14 points (3 for the correct score plus 1 for each goal, 1 for the correct FGS, doubled up for being a smartarse).


The 'plus one for each goal' bit means that correctly forecasting a 4-2 gets you 6 points more than correctly forecasting a 0-0. 

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What games are we doing it for...



All 64 of 'em , by the sounds of it , more than a seasons worth in 3 weeks ,


still , there is two of 'em doing it ..


Good luck ed 'n maf..


i wish you well..

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Thursday 12 June

Group A, Brazil v Croatia (21:00)


Friday 13 June

Group A, Mexico v Cameroon (17:00)

Group B, Spain v Netherlands (20:00)

Group B, Chile v Australia (23:00)


Saturday 14 June

Group C, Colombia v Greece (17:00)

Group D, Uruguay v Costa Rica (20:00)

Group D, England v Italy (23:00)


Sunday 15 June

Group C, Ivory Coast v Japan (02:00)

Group E, Switzerland v Ecuador (17:00)

Group E, France v Honduras (20:00)

Group F, Argentina v Bosnia-Herzegovena (23:00)


Monday 16 June

Group G, Germany v Portugal (17:00)

Group F, Iran v Nigeria (20:00)

Group G, Ghana v USA (23:00)


Tuesday 17 June

Group H, Belgium v Algeria (17:00)

Group A, Brazil v Mexico (20:00)

Group H, Russia v South Korea (23:00)


Wednesday 18 June

Group B, Australia v Netherlands (17:00)

Group B, Spain v Chile (20:00)

Group A, Cameroon v Croatia (23:00)


Thursday 19 June

Group C, Colombia v Ivory Coast (17:00)

Group D, Uruguay v England (20:00)

Group C, Japan v Greece (23:00)


Friday 20 June

Group D, Italy v Costa Rica (17:00)

Group E, Switzerland v France (20:00)

Group E, Honduras v Ecuador (23:00)


Saturday 21 June

Group F, Argentina v Iran (17:00)

Group G, Germany v Ghana (20:00)

Group F, Nigeria v Bosnia-Herzegovena (23:00)


Sunday 22 June

Group H, Belgium v Russia (17:00)

Group H, South Korea v Algeria (20:00)

Group G, USA v Portugal (23:00)


Monday 23 June

Group B, Netherlands v Chile (17:00)

Group B, Australia v Spain (17:00)

Group A, Cameroon v Brazil (21:00)

Group A, Croatia v Mexico (21:00)


Tuesday 24 June

Group D, Italy v Uruguay (17:00)

Group D, Costa Rica v England (17:00)

Group C, Japan v Colombia (21:00)

Group C, Greece v Ivory Coast (21:00)


Wednesday 25 June

Group F, Nigeria v Argentina (17:00)

Group F, Bosnia-Herzegovena v Iran (17:00)

Group E, Honduras v Switzerland (21:00)

Group E, Ecuador v France (21:00)


Thursday 26 June

Group G, USA v Germany (17:00)

Group G, Portugal v Ghana (17:00)

Group H, South Korea v Belgium (21:00)

Group H, Algeria v Russia (21:00)

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is there a prize at the end of it , like what there is in the proper one ?




A night out with me.

Second prize, 2 nights out with me.

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