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Ramathon 2014


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Whose running? I'm luckily enough in!

Week on Sunday start and finish at Elvaston Castle!

First time the race has been held since 1994!

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Too old for that caper now.


Ran it in the early 90's when it went along the A52 dual carriageway. I remember having to shoot off to do a double band call for a show I was playing in, in Leicester, leaving my wife to come home with some friends. Imagine my surprise when I nipped home for tea to find her with her leg in plaster, with a torn achilles tendon.


It seems that they'd been bellowing my name over the tannoy to no avail. We're still married.


Good luck mate.

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Too old for that caper now.


Ran it in the early 90's when it went along the A52 dual carriageway. I remember having to shoot off to do a double band call for a show I was playing in, in Leicester, leaving my wife to come home with some friends. Imagine my surprise when I nipped home for tea to find her with her leg in plaster, with a torn achilles tendon.


It seems that they'd been bellowing my name over the tannoy to no avail. We're still married.


Good luck mate.

I was getting nervous wondering what you were going to say next there....

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I'm starting to wonder if he's even popped anyone.

I bet he's no more mafia than Lisa Mafia. Remember her?

"Rememba I told ya

I'm a soulja

Drop dis in a club and it's all ova"

Great poet that she was (RIP) but she wasn't actually a member of any criminal organisation

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What!!! I'm running it and I've got to be older than most on here.

will look out for you, let me know your run number!
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2hours dead! Not bad for saying I did sod all training! Winged it.... Oh what a great route.... Loved it!

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Man that was hot running round there. Nice course apart from the long stretch next to the dual carriageway. Took 20 mins longer than I wanted but got round - eventually.

Apart from the carriageway, thought the route was great, will be a shame they will change it as it becomes more popular. Give it a couple of years and it will just be main roads
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